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Everything posted by darkangel

  1. I have a F-1 yellow lab that has been holding for over a month now, The longest I think I've had one hold for is 27 days. Because there is no real demand for yellow labs, I just let them spit in the tank and the fry are taken care of quite fast. This one refused to spit until I moved her to a 10 gal tank. Within minutes she spit about 20 fry. I don't think it is normal for them to hold that long, It could be just a very protective mom. I will grow these out and see what they look like, might keep a couple and then I know of a lungfish lurking in the area.
  2. If I still had my big nasties, I would have been there allready.
  3. HWY 2 north, Take the Morinville/Sandy lake exit, and go west on sec. 642 about 1 km, or the first left go down about 1/2 km to the entrance just before the railroad tracks, turn left and follow the road back toward the hwy. When you get to the end by the hwy, there is a little cove, and that's the hotspot.
  4. Just come up to the pond next to the hwy by Morinville, Lift a few rocks and you will go home with a 1 gal pail in about 10 minutes. Put them in a tank to quarantine for about 2 weeks and feed. Flowerhorns liked them, so bass should too.
  5. I would'nt even try it. I agree with BlackMumba, that betta's don't do well with a lot of current. You also have the wrong tankmates for a betta. Betta's are very flashy fish, With your current stock It would be like danggling a worm in front of a trout.
  6. That is very true about fish people being nice. Everyone is so helpful without a second thought. I wish the tax man was just as nice.
  7. Crest spinbrush and a strong salt water solution. You might not get it all off, but you will get most of it.
  8. If you have a good thick gravel bed, and have'nt cleaned that you should be ok. Just keep tabs on the amonia, nitrite, and nitrate for a couple weeks. If you only run one filter on your tank, you should always clean it in tank water or declorinated water to keep the bacteria alive. Remember that 90% of your good bacteria live in the filter and gravel, so if you clean one don't clean the other at the same time.
  9. Back in the mid 90s when I hauled groceries up into the NWT & Yukon, I would stop just north of High Level and dig up a whole wack of garter snakes for a friend of mine. You could also find a few interesting things in northern BC and between Watson Lake & Porter Creek. So the barrier don't stop at Edmonton. You just have to look a little harder when you go north of the city. By the way, Awsome shots as usual Patrick.
  10. Funny you should say that. My wife also said, It might not make any difference. The only reason we have it is our grandson likes them.
  11. It has been done and has been said by many hobbyists that a 25% water change can be done safely without declorinaters. However, as serious hobbyists on this forum, weather a newby or one with 50 years experience. Why would we even take the chance of stressing or possibly losing our fish to test the theory. I know I do keep some very sensative fish, so I do use prime as I do 25% to 50% water change every week depending on the tank. Like Jerry stated. It's cheap insurance. So why try and cheap out.
  12. He looked like he was a deep cherry red and the lower portion by his tail was so green that it looked black, and a nice streak of yellow between the green and red. He has been dressed to party for about a week. Finally won his prize.
  13. I have a pair of heros sp. rainbow severums that have spawned a short time ago, but lost the fry at the wiggler stage. They are now trying again, But I have a very large blood parrot that is getting in on the action, and the male severum is letting it. They are all hanging around a pile of rocks in the tank with breeding tubes out and taking turns at the rocks (no eggs yet). I'm thinking of separating the pair of severums to another tank, Because I don't even want to think about what kind of monsters will come out of it if I let the parrot cross with them(Dr. Jekyl nightmares already). Is this threesome behavior normal for severums, or is it just another strange occurance in my tank.
  14. I picked up these awsome fish from Patrick. Today I was sitting on the sofa looking at the african tank, and I saw my dominate male laying on a rock. My first thought was that he croaked, until I stood up and seen one of the females picking up eggs and nipping at his anal fin. I tried to take pics, but I'm not Patrick and they did'nt turn out. The female now has such a large mouthful that her gill plates and mouth don't even close all the way. I will move her out to another tank soon. I also have an F1 yellow lab holding, but they are so common that I will not be keeping any fry.
  15. I have had a albino pulcher male cross with a female taeneatus dehane. The fry never made it to the free swimming stage. I also had a taeneatus green river male cross with a pulcher female in the past and the result was the same.
  16. OK, you got me on that one. I'm a lazy aquatic gardener, I don't have the womans touch. If it grows it grows, If it don't it was never meant to be.
  17. Is the 6 incher the one he got at the auction after the caoac show? I know the apple snails eat plants, do the japanese trap door snails munch on plants
  18. I picked one up at Paradise pets last year. I think it was around $20.00. If I was'nt using my a/c 300, I would let you have the impeller.
  19. Werner covered both plants very well. Tweezers sounds like a lot of work with such tiny plants. With HC I have had success by snipping back the rockwool and leaving about a 1/2" of it on the plant. Dig a hole in the substrate large enough to put the plant in, cover it completely with substrate, then brush off the substrate just till you can see the tops of the leaves. With good light, ferts, and Co2 it should be a couple cm above the substrate in about 2 to 3 weeks.
  20. I have a axolotl that is about 7" long, From day one this guy/girl/it has not eaten anything except NLS & shrimp pellets. I've had guppies, mollies, swordtails, white clouds, and krib fry in with this guy in the past and all have survived. There is 14 white clouds and 3 cories in the tank with it now, The cories are a bit small so they may become lunch. What other tank mates may be possible for a clean up crew, I do know that none are recamended, but there has been tank mates in the past with no casualties. Tank is 25 gal heavily planted low-med light (2.5wpg) with fine sand substrate and hidy holes for all occupants. Any suggestions will be appreciated and studied before a choice is made.
  21. I saw some at Big Al's in Calgary. Spencer also had some on his list for $25.00ea (wild). It was total accident that I got these. The LFS in Morinville had some come in with there order, and he did'nt have a clue what they were. I was kind enough to take them off his hands. At $7.50ea I could'nt pass it up. The smallest one is about 2" and the largest of the 3 is pushing 4". You might want to try Big Al's in Edmonton, they won't be no $7.50ea tho.
  22. My fry control is a trio of Ctenapoma acutirostre (Leopard bush fish), nocturnal predator. They don't fight with the other fish and will eat anything that will fit in there mouth. 50 or so fry only last 2 to 3 days.
  23. This young man has been found guilty on 3 counts. #1 Having very beutiful fish. #2 Posting awsome pictures. #3 Subconciously causing hobbyists to purchase and set up more tanks. However, He has been aquited of all charges and can carry on. After all, I may want to to purchase more fish from him. Great shots Patrck.
  24. I have bred dwarf honey gouramis in the past, I just sold my breeding pair at the last auction to a very nice lady that will take good care of them. I had my pair in a 10 gal tank filled 1/2 way with water and a divider between the 2 of them. If I did'nt see it I would not have believed it. The male jumped the divider that was about 4 inches above the surface just to get to his sweetheart and make babies for me. So yes, They can jump.
  25. I have a fair size piece in my shed full of goodies. 1/8" thick.
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