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Everything posted by darkangel

  1. It's hard to judge by the angle of that pic, But my guess would be that is daddy. The tip of the dorsal fin on the female will be more rounded and the females are more colorful than males when breeding.
  2. I know the only stupid question is the one you don't ask. So here goes. I just noticed in my 72gal planted tank, All the plants appear to be covered in what looks like millions of tiny air bubbles floating up to the surface off of the leaves. Is this normal or did I do something wrong and it needs immediate attention. The tank is 95% planted, 2.25 watts per gal of light on 13hrs/day, Co2 injection @4bbls/sec 24/7, Flourish trace 3xs/wk, Flourish iron 2xs/wk,, Heavy fish load, All small fish-Neons, Guppies, Rasboras, Dwarf rainbows, and Dwarf honey gouramies.
  3. Awsome deal on this stuff, But read the label carefully. It states that it is good for aquariums up to 100gal. I use this all the time on my smaller tanks but on anything 100gal or more I use construction/stuctural silicone. Costs a little more but worth it.
  4. I will take a stab at #4. IMO the basic test kit would contain, Amonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, and Ph. However with one of my planted tanks I have enough test kits to almost concoct some sort of illeagal drugs. Hope this helps.
  5. Can't help you out with what that critter is, But I always soak new plants in a bucket of aquarium water for about 1/2hr, give them a quick rinse and gentle shake followed by a root & leaf trimming shock treatment then they go into the tank.
  6. American flag fish are an algae eating killie that do very well in a community tank. I have the same algae in a few spots in my tank so I added 6 of these guys about 2 weeks ago. The algae spots seem to be getting smaller.
  7. Those are some nice looking fish, I also would like to know how big they get.
  8. My test kits are anywhere from purchased last week to 2 months old. 4 different test kits and all readings are the same. I have had some danios in the tank for about a week now and all seems to be going well. Water test today, amonia-0, nitrite-0, nitrate-0-5ppm, ph-7. I also agree with the black geo-system substrate, it looks good but it's a pain in the a$$ to get going
  9. Very good reply, But the only things in there are a few plants and snails, However I don't think that the few snails that are in there would be able to devour the bodies of 100 + fry overnight. Snails are just small ramshorn.
  10. It might be an ammonia spike that is killing the fish. If there are no fish currently in there, then the tank is not cycled. It does not take long for a 10gallon tank to have water problems. Kevin I have been testing the water every day, amonia-0 nitrite-0 nitrate-0 ph-7.2. I have an adult danio in there for 2 days and 1 night, so far it is still alive.
  11. I have geo system substrate in 2 other tanks with no problems, 1 is a 55gal and a 5gal. It's just the 10gal that i'm having trouble with. As i said in my first post I boiled it so that might be the problem.
  12. Not sure if this is the right place for this but here goes, I have a ten gal tank with about 2" of black geo system substrate in it. My question is can boiling this stuff cause it to release any toxins into the water. The tank has been redone about 2 months ago and I boiled the substrate, now anything that goes in the tank seems to disappear overnite and no trace of bodies anywhere.The only thing that seems to live in there is plants and @#*#ing snails. Tested the water every day for the last week and came up with amonia-0, nitrite-0, nitrate-0, ph-7.2 any answers or thoughts will be appreciated.
  13. I have a small ball bearing tied in a piece of mesh (old net)on a string about 8ft long with the head of a filter cleaning brush tied on the other end.
  14. I picked up a very large Osiris sword plant from a knowledgable source, (Thank you Jason). Only 2 weeks in the tank and it's already throwing up a shoot. (Baby plants on the way).
  15. So far all the kribs are still there, Just hiding under the driftwood and rocks where the loaches can't get to them.
  16. Try jvision, He ussually has some or knows where you can get it.
  17. Not to worry, You will only have inbreds instead of hybrids.
  18. This idea looks like it might work, However you would also want easy access and disassembly for cleaning. After all anyone that has driftwood or plants in the tank, in time the crudd that builds up will eventually have to be cleaned out.
  19. Picked up 2 small yoyo loaches 1.5" T/L to take care of a small snail problem. They are in with krib fry, will the fry be ok or will the loaches be well fed.
  20. I have my lights on timers, on at 8:00am off at 9:00pm.
  21. On my 72 planted I have 3x 59w T-5s ( 1-20,000k red/2-18,000k white ) tank looks like a jungle. On the 140 under construction I have 6x59w T-5 & 6x24w T-5 for a grand total of 3.5w per gal.
  22. I have'nt seen my P. Sacromontis/Scarlet kribs in the tank for about a week, When I started playing around in the tank last night my hand was brutally attacked behind a peice of driftwood, Needless to say I found the scarlet kribs with free swimming fry. I now have 122 fry in a ten gal tank.
  23. Try Natures Corner. I think I paid $250.00 for mine without the solenoid ready to go, Henry was a really nice guy and even put the regulator together for me so I would'nt overwork my injured wing. Bought a whole wack of other stuff thats why I'm not too sure of the price, But it will be in that area.
  24. Hi :welcome: Hope you find what you need has been great help to us.
  25. Now you gone and done it, The brain is working overtime and I'm slowly creeping up to #1 on the wife's top ten hit list.
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