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Everything posted by bottomdweller_fan

  1. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica! I have had female bettas together and as long as they have enough room and are all introduced at the same time, they seem to do well together.
  2. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica! Discus are beautiful fish.
  3. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica!
  4. Thanks Rick, I have made some changes and will be doing a plywood tank with a pond liner instead, it just seems easier. The tank is going to be in the basement.
  5. Rick, would you suggest going 3/4" plywood instead then (or change the 2x2's to 2x4's?).
  6. Thanks Rick. Here is a picture of my thoughts on the bracing. Can you please clarify what you mean by quarter round brace. Thanks.
  7. Thanks Pimpdocta. The stand is a 3/4" piece of plywood resting on cement blocks.
  8. I am trying to determine if plywood or 2x2 lumber placed vertically will be stronger to keep a plastic tank that holding 350 gallons from bulging. Please help!!
  9. Hi Barb. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica! Now that you have found us we will find you and get to know you. -roll- I have met many great people since joining here in November, 2007. They are all amazing and I have had some great conversations (usually about fish ). Looking forward to meeting you - maybe at the fall ACE auction.
  10. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica! We are a very diverse group of people who all have different opinions about how to keep fish, but the one thing we all have in common is that our fish fascinate us and we want what is best for them as I know you do. Please feel very welcome and I look forward to seeing pictures of your tanks and fish and hearing your opinions (and maybe agreeing or disagreeing with them - that's the fun part :smokey:.)
  11. Calling all engineers, carpenters, framers, and handypeople!!! I have done further research and was wondering if the framing shown in this thread would be enough to contain 350 gallons of water in a 96" by 36" by 24" high tank. It continues on three sides of the tank. The tank sits on a stand completely made of brick. Thank you again for all your help, I really appreciate it!
  12. I second that. Your hard earned knowledge would be very, very appreciated!!
  13. Thanks for the suggestion, Jason. Does anyone else have any suggestions? Thanks.
  14. I need your help. I am trying to decide how I should build a new tank. I am looking at one that is about 72" long by 36" wide by about 22" tall with an internal filter that is incorporated directly into the tank. I thought about a wooden tank, but am unsure I want to work with the epoxies needed. However, I was wondering if I could build a wooden box, insert a plastic tank (like these) and use either acrylic or glass for the front cover. Any pros and cons you can see with this idea will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  15. That may be the case, but in the wild they do not have glass or plastic walls keeping them from leaving each other's territory. It may not seem like they are physically hurting one another, but the stress of being unable to completely retreat from each other's presence may lead to future problems and possible death. IMO that does not seem like ethical fishkeeping. Just my two cents.
  16. I have a small school of blue tetras. When they get settled they are subtly shaded in green, yellow, blue and purple. I think they are gorgeous.
  17. I saw some American flag fish at the Londonderry PJ's recently, you could try there to see if they still have them.
  18. :welcome: Welcome to the forum! As you can see from my signature I too have MTS (multiple tank syndrome)!
  19. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica! I wish you luck in your search for the "perfect" aquarium.
  20. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica! Please do not think that crying over your lost fish is silly - they all have their own personalities and we connect with them. I understand where you are coming from because I got back into the hobby big time when I broke my leg near my knee and caring for my fish is something I can do. I hope you enjoy your time on this forum, the people here are incredible. Psst - pictures of your fish and tanks are always welcome
  21. Thats look great and the fish have beautiful colors. (Like the Mastercard commercials - Pool: $50. Plants: $75. Fish: $25. Filter: $120 (on sale for $80) - having a great pond - PRICELESS) I have thought about doing something like that with an old hot tub (one that I could get for free )
  22. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica!
  23. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica! I recognize you from BCAquaria (loachfan there).
  24. Your water parameters seem fine for yoyo loaches. What is the temperature in the tank? Does your fish look like this http://forums.loaches.com/viewtopic.php?t=...light=yoyo+eggs? If she does, then it is likely she is gravid. If she does spawn and the eggs hatch, please let us know exactly what you did, because spawning most loaches in captivity is still not a common occurrence. Good luck!
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