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Everything posted by Medicdude

  1. Potable water is drinking water so yes it is perfectly safe (the white stuff). I used it on all of my installations.
  2. Check here Derek: Comps and Here: Calvus
  3. I would agree that as a retailer I do not care much for the stands that most suppliers offer. The only positive is that they are engineered and therefore guaranteed to hold the weight of the tank and contents and limiting my liability.
  4. If you are charging for these services (you are still liable even if you don't) I would ensure that your stands are "engineered", and you are "qualified" be means of a trade. The first stand to collapse and cause injury or damage opens up a whole other can of worms.
  5. Concept Aquariums is owned by Aquarium Emthusiasts. That is where all their tanks are made. Concept is owned by Aquarium Illusions, but Aquarium Enthusiasts also does custom tanks
  6. Medicdude

    Tank builders

    Aquarium Enthusiasts is now also a tenecor distributor.
  7. 9 times out of 10 it is from to much filter media.
  8. The most common problem I have had with any of the one's I have sold is that people tend to pack the media chambers to full. Try and decrease the amount of filter media and see if that helps.
  9. There appears to be more and more people that think all fish and supplies come from the US. Well that's not the case as there are Canadian suppliers as well as overseas suppliers that alot of the LFS use. Not to mention there are other factors that dictate price, such as air freight mentioned by Christian, handling, packaging, customs, weather, losses, overhead, staff, etc. When retailers are competing with construction and the oil patch for staff that will have a significant impact as well.
  10. You will need to remove all fish from the main tank into a quarantine tank and treat there. You're p*ssing in the wind with Kick ich. It's expensive and usually does not work. Copper is your best choice. Feel free to stop by the store and talk to any staff about it. We also have copper and test kits on hand. Read the article in the link below: http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-08/sp/index.php
  11. Some of my staff (k9outfit was one) just did some research on this and determined that you still have to use prime or something comparable to treat the water.
  12. The 14's had some issues with ballasts and cooling fans burning out. The 8's and 29's were fine.
  13. His name is Jake and he is already showing that he is quite the character. He won't leave my kids alone and wants to play non-stop
  14. In a previous post I had stated I was looking for a new dog, something preferably a couple of years old. During my search I came across this face and Just couldn't resist. He is a 10 week old Cocker Spaniel.
  15. They don't come with legs. I've had to deal with this a couple of times in my store already. I'm surprised this doesn't come up more often but it goes to show you how many people actually read directions.
  16. How much direct or indirect sunlight is it exposed to?
  17. Very nice looking fish, Where did you get them?? :P ;) (Had to get my free plug in there ya know :thumbs: )
  18. Either Rustoleum or Kilz paint work very well. That's what I use at the store and also what my tank supplier uses. By he way Dean, you bought the tank at Aquarium Enthusiasts, not Illusions.... :thumbs: :smokey:
  19. I have the Lee's brand which is the same thing only cheaper
  20. I have about 20 or so in stock, about 2 inches
  21. Congrats Goldfish Girl, I have to agree with you about how some people generally respond to others on this and other forums. I know I have stopped posting replies to alot of topics because every time you try and give a suggestion or advice there's always someone there to tell you why your wrong. Sooner or later people realize that there is no such thing as black and white in this hobby, only grey....
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