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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by Wackinator

  1. lol how big are your tanks? I only have 2 small ones (10&20) but my family thinks me crazy as well cuz those 2 tanks take up a lot of space in my room but what are you keeping in your tanks?
  2. :welcome: to AA, Pakistani loaches and Yoyo loaches are the same things right?
  3. Congrats I tried to breed them once and it barely worked, only had one baby make it for a lil while then it just disappeared.
  4. My pandas and albino cories had no problem schooling together, and when I had bronze cories they also schooled with the albinos, if you put together any kinda cories that are similar in size they should school.
  5. nice shots, we went to Bass Pro near Balzaac last week and on one of the acreages there found fox heaven, there were at least close to a dozen or something foxes there, I didn't know they lived in groups but there were a lot and my brother and me got a cpl of good shots between us.
  6. hey thanks for the advice but I think I will start off with the 10 gallon because as of yesterday I have over 50 molly fries that Ill put in the 20 gallon, and just went to Big Als today, the multies here are $10 a piece,a little more then Id like, but thanks again!
  7. Nice shots, really like the eel, and I like the setup for the 33 gallon!
  8. I would like to go with a 20 but so far am having no luck with finding multies, I am buying 3 multies that are still less then an inch from a fellow AA Member, its the only luck I've had, and a 20 gallon just for them doesn't seem right. Maybe move them into the 20 if they later start a colony >.> hopefully they wont be all males or females, it'll be too empty with just 3 inches worth of fish especially cuz they are shelldwellers.
  9. Cherry barbs, not too aggressive, they don't school all the time but when they do you can watch them for hours, you could probably keep a group of 5-8 in there. Though I agree with the try again with neons.
  10. Yeah since I'm only getting 3 juvenile multies for now I'll keep them in the 10 gallon, and yes I use that site a lot but thanks again.
  11. thanks firestorm for your help, I will be looking around to see if I can buy any bigger shells but Im pretty sure that the ones I have are big enough. I will be making some caves out of rocks and thanks for the advice on boiling the shells didnt even think of that >.>
  12. Thanks for the advice, Ive already got the tank and a couple packets of the dollarstore shells, would they work for multies as soon have an opening as big as 1.5-2 inches, just need the sand and fish.
  13. hey, well I've been wanting to keep multies for a long time and since tmr is my physics final exam, ill actually be able to set them up soon so my question is, If I keep some multies in the 20 gallon instead of 10 would I be able to put any other cichlids in with them, I've read online about people keeping electric yellows with multies and having them both breed succesfully, would that work? any suggestions/help on what I could/should/shouldnt put in with them? and one more question how many multies is the maximum amount in a 20 gallon. what about a pair of kribs with them? Thanks
  14. :welcome: to AA and dont worry about "stupid" questions, I ask a lot and always get a lot of help.
  15. sorry was not aware of that for I pictured juvenile angels not fully grown ones, thanks for correcting me.
  16. in that case, a large pair of angels would look really nice with a couple of gouramis and a school of cardinal tetras.
  17. Guppies, Mollies, Swordtails, or just livebearers in general. In my opinion the easiest and best way to start a tank is with cories, tetras, and livebearers. A lot of other fishes can be thrown in with them later. Would help to know how big the tank is and what type you want it to be (Planted, Cichlid etc.)
  18. nicee, wat kinda cory is that?
  19. wow sorry about your loss good luck with the rest of the eggs, keep us updated on them!
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