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Everything posted by fishclubgirl

  1. Though it may not look like it outside, (and that's why I'm doing tons of fishy stuff inside), the CAS spring auction is March 8th at the Montgomery community hall. Auction starts at 11am, viewing is at 10am. Everyone is welcome and volunteers are even more welcome!! Sellers must register with me in advance and be current members of an aquarium club. Should sellers need extra lots, please request in advance. It's a great day and hopefully the weather will cooperate!!
  2. It's been awhile but it's time to get the bettas going again... So I'm setting up 3 pairs and get out the distilled water to add to their tanks(or plastic dishtubs, best invention ever for betta or killifish breeders) and notice it has a best before date?? Who knew that water can go bad?? Luckily it hasn't expired....
  3. Try the pond stores for salvinia natans.. it's usually available there when they open..Or Miley Cyrus, wait a minute, that's salvia...
  4. I have noticed some people looking for least killifish, a fish that can be hard to find. These are great little fish for smaller tanks and hard water. Well, I've had them and they got outcompeted by my other fish. I did pick up some porthole livebearers which have similar requirements and they're doing well... in other words, I started with 5 and now have over 20... Cool fish!!
  5. See you then! You can also put bamboo roots in the tank and let the plant grow out of your tank. Live bamboo is easy to find and very inexpensive at oriental supermarkets(got mine for a dollar a stem..)
  6. Fyi, the Calgary Aquarium Society is March 8th, well worth the trip... and there will be lots of plants including.... duckweed!!
  7. Liquid CO2 can affect simpler plants like vals, mosses, etc. so be careful if you have these in your tank!!
  8. Vimmer, I have all kinds of low light plants and can ship. Would love to help you out!!
  9. It is a sad day with the death of Jr, my male angelfish. He was the son of my first angelfish pair and was a gentle soul. A successful father to many, he was always loving towards his lady friends and pleasant to other fish as well(unless he could eat them...) He had a long life and passed away from old age..
  10. Jayba, good idea!! I think frogfish has some ameca splendens and those are hair algae piranhas... Frogfish, put some of those fish in and problem solved!!
  11. Agreed about the no dechlorinator in Calgary water but like big water changes!! Saw a lecture by a fellow from TFH called "fish in a toilet" who advocated big water changes and I was sold.... As I don't use test kits, I don't worry about my water parameters(and it works for me..) As I have said before, we all find what works for us in this hobby and may do things differently. Leave your shrimp alone and make sure you have both sexes and I'm sure you'll have more!!
  12. This was interesting topic as it showed that we all have various ways of anchoring our plants and it works well for all of us(even if I am poisoning my fish,lol....) So if using fishing line and wall anchors works for you, kudos!! Sometimes there is no right or wrong way when keeping tanks but the way that works best for us and we all could learn from keeping an open mind for new ideas!!
  13. Ok, I've never had this issue but am a fan of working with nature versus chemicals. My suggestion would be to remove the shrimp to another container and let the tank completely dry out. As for the plants, throw them in with your tetras and they'll love you for it. Once the tank's bone dry, you can add some water from the tetras' tank to get it going too. Hope this helps!!
  14. Have to get more spotted as I'm aiming for a 1000 points....take that Frogfish!! (psst I have your plaque too so you can pick it up when you come spot my plants)
  15. Plant weights, I like them as they help keep the plants separate too.
  16. As for warranties, Oliver Knott(google him) mentioned that leds are here to stay but the main concern is how long the light is good for. As this is new technology, most of the lights have not been running for 5 years so hence the shorter warranty. I'm sure as they streamline the lights, the warranties will improve and the prices will drop. My suggestion is to visit some of the AA members tanks with leds to see how well they grow plants rather than getting info off the internet. Seeing is believing!!
  17. Ok, I figured out why the catfish was wedged in his throat..... wait for it.... he was "fishing " for compliments...
  18. And they had an reenactment with "actor" fish....The "stunt" catfish looked suspiciously like a small sunfish and the doctor said catfish had poison in their pectoral spines(which some do). The fish was wedged in his throat head down and they did have to operate(on the guy not the fish). He made it but they didn't update me on the fish....guess it went down the gullet...
  19. So I'm watching "untold stories of the ER" and someone has a catfish from his tank stuck in his throat(men aren't that smart). My first thought is "what kind of catfish"?? Is that bad?
  20. Well, it was a valiant effort by Frogfish but....... I win!!!! Now to figure out which level I'm at as I want to be a grand master plant keeper and think I'm almost there...
  21. Hope to see you at the January CAS meeting. The topic is led lighting and plants by our horticultural award coordinator, Bearbarry.. This guy grows some great plants!! Our jar show is also plants so this will be a good meeting!! Welcome.
  22. Don't know if you're a member of the Maritime Aquarium club but I will speaking at their club meeting tomorrow via Skype, topic will be frugal fishkeeping and it will be very informal!!
  23. They don't like the taste of java fern or any plants of the plasticus variety...
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