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Everything posted by Erin

  1. So I looked on kijiji for a stock tank and found this. http://edmonton.kijiji.ca/c-pets-accessori...QAdIdZ112065105 I offered 50 for it she said that IF its not sold by the 20th I'll get it. which works for me cause on the 20th I'll have over 600 to play with so heres hoping!!!! If I get it imagine it in a stained and weaather treated varnish wood box
  2. oooo... I like the stock tanks... great idea do you know if they come is square-ish shapes???
  3. BAH HAHHA.. I think I found one more reason to give to my hubby. I want a bigger tank and hes ok with it once we move but this might just get the ball rolling faster! LOL
  4. Over this past christmas, my husband and I got our daughter a goldfish. After she climbed her dresser, had the dresser fall and the tank broke the goldfish become mine in the basement. Now that one goldfish has 5 comet goldfish friends. all in a ten gallon, and since my husband is not going to let me get a 60 plus gallon tank for "some dumb goldfish" and we rent so building a pond in the ground just isn't allowed, I have come up with a lovely idea. My first idea was to buy some pond liner and build a big box that would hold about 50ish gallons of water. After thinking it threw I realized that It might not work. I thought about the wood flyin in all directions from the weight of the water, more of a nightmare really then a thought. So keeping with the idea and beauty I had in my head I started looking around for a better option. and I think I found it! I think what I will do if there is not other suggestions would be to buy a HUGE tote bin. They don't leak, and I can find them in pretty big sizes. then keeping with the wood and beauty I would then build a box around it with an inward lip so you don't see the tote bin at all! My problem is what should I do for a filtration? I could build the box with a over flow exit, which I will cause I'd be dumb not to. But I could also build it big enought to hid a HOB filter??? I plan on many plants, lilies and cat tail like plants mostly. BUT what if I only put one of those fluval under water filters? would I need something to add air? Also when should I start thinking about putting my fish out??? I'm new to this. I should have it built by next mid next month.
  5. I'd also suggest to the leaking. I had the same problem. Just head down to a home depo or such and grab a tube of silicon and put it at around the tubing ie tops of the pop bottles inside and out. I'd first take one out and put it in a bunch of water. if it leave you'll see it bubble there (place the whole bottle under the water). for me the silicon work wonderful.
  6. I have Hydrocotyle leucocephala, I had an idea about putting them on their side, this idea came to me when I saw its extra roots, they seem to grow out just under each leaf. I haven't tried it yet but maybe sunday I'll see if I can't get it to work and take some photos. I'll let yah know. I think that if it work it could make a interesting foreground plant.
  7. Looks to me like a jack dempsy(sp?) Might be wrong though ask someone in CA section. if you haven't already.
  8. Very nice, I love the darts! did you get 4 or 2?
  9. If they are count me in for a male from the batch! I love your male in that shot, very pretty.
  10. HAHA your one eyed sounds like my one eye gourami, she always comes and kisses me and rubs up and down my hand. shes the first to come check me out when I come over. Keep up the good work, just cause they look this way doesn't mean they don't need some love too!
  11. see I'm different from you guys... I have two gouramis in a 14 gallon. a yellow and a blue. But IMO the dwarf honey gouramis are by far my favorite, I've got two in a 20 gallon and love watching them, and if your lucky like me and get a male and female the colors are amazing and I found no aggression at all with the little guys. My male is a light yellow that deepens to a bright orange and a neat green strip under his belly. My female isn't as colorful but shes yellow with a green strip threw the middle of her body. has orange on her top find and on the bottom. They do a mating dance daily but nothing is coming from it They are great little cleaners too! I find that they are always eating at the algae, nipping here and there always moving.
  12. HAHAHAHAHA I love the betta! It looks musky but I'm guessing thats due to the change. I like it... we'll see how the light goes.
  13. Sigh.... such beauty. kinda glad I don't have a tank that nice yet, I would spend all day to watch it! LOL Great pictures!
  14. can't wait to see how it turns out. How did the sand soil combo work for you? I'm thinking of doing that for my 50 gallon, when I get it, which is soon, a few months.... sigh... anyway how is that going? What are you planning on putting in there for wood/rocks? Fish?
  15. Thats kinda what I thought, I cute back on all the nasty stag, So I cute those and took out most of my vals because the only plant that was doing ok was the runners from the vals and the baby java ferns. I agree I think it was due to the dosing excel on them to try and get rid of the stag. devocole: Thanks for the link, I still have some stag to clean off, mostly on my heater cord. I found it in totally different spots! right on the filter where the water was coming out, on my dwarf hair grass, which was the farthest from my light and right next to my "powerhead" (mini elite filter). Tahnks for the link! I'll check it out.
  16. I think that its gonna look awesome! I don't have any suggestions but I know someone will. Good luck!
  17. I agree that either taking the gourami out or adding another on is your best bet, if you take him out you could easily add those tigers in. If you want want to take him out I would drop the amount of tigers you want to 5ish. IMO
  18. I don't know much about the Kh But what size is your tank and what do you have/ want for plants.. your co2 might need to be bumped up.
  19. Well after having staghorn algae for a few weeks now and my crypts started to show signs of low iron and other problems. SOOOOO I re did it! I took/cut out 99% of the s/h algae and moved it all around. I'll take some pictures once the tank clears up. I took out completely my Sagittaria subulata, there was very little that wasn't covered in s/h algae, so I just pulled it all. My crypts got under the knife too, there is about one leaf per plant (5 plants) And as for my vals, I just kept all that wasn't covered, mostly the baby shoots. My main java plant went but I had alot of babies on it as well so it wasn't a great lost. I'll give it month before I really worry and by then I'll almost be done planning my 55 gallon.
  20. Very nice, how did you get rid of the green hair? PM me... I'm in need of some tips BTW I never see my Amano Shrimp in my tanks after I put them in either, lol!!!
  21. I'm just waiting for my battery to charge my camera. I'll post some pictures after. It somely my crypts. I have 2.7 wpg. So if it is not enought ferts then when I add 1.75ml of the ferts twice a week I should add that everyday? I use excel already so I'm good on that.
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