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Wingin' It

Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by Wingin' It

  1. I use play sand as well...but I keep it well moved and don't give the chance for gas pockets.
  2. Looks really good! You almost had me move back into salt...but I just can't do it...lol I'll live through everyone else I suppose! hahaha
  3. What about frogspawn or octospawn? Imo, they're nicer. No matter what coral you get...don't forget to feed them. I just read back and you said no fish as they're dirty...but keep in mind so are corals! They just happen to need light too. I look fwd to more pics!
  4. WHOO HOO!!! I've got Shrimpletts!! Orange shrimp to be specific. Only problem is that I threw the orange head comps in there with them...I foresee some more switcheros happening!
  5. Welcome to the forum! Post some pics if you care to show off!
  6. lol...I only had two...and one recently died. I`ve tried to get big al`s guys to bring in more...but he says he can`t get them right now. I always go in to harass them though. They really are a cool fish!
  7. hmmm...male maybe then? I suspect the one I have left is female...Fuller tummy kinda looking.
  8. Oh good for you! Some good shells for you to look out for are the whale eyes and turbos!
  9. There are some swords that do get huge, but most don't get that big.
  10. I think I saw some blood red swords at Riverfront today...though i'm not sure if they had the black in their sword.
  11. fingers crossed for you...uuugghhh her...errrr both?
  12. Update! New to my breeding program...I got to pull out some tanks from the garage today (and only broke two nails)! Now to set them up...I'm pretty sure I don't need the dinning table. Gold Head Compressiceps - just saw some new free swimming fry Julidichromis transcriptus (Gombe) - just saw some new free swimming fry Hopefully more cool breeding from my tangs to come!
  13. You don't need a couch right? Just put up a sign for someone to come take it...and then you have like 4 more feet of space for more tanks to put all your new cories into!
  14. Our next Spring Show and Sale is scheduled for March 16-17, 2013! And our Fall Auction is scheduled for October 13, 2013!
  15. I got me a bunch of orange shrimp, Albino BN Plecos, Curviceps, Blue Wag Platies, another multie to add to my small colony...and I think that's it. Prices for the most part seemed healthy to me...I got slightly distracted a couple times and lost out on some items...next time though..ooooh they're mine. muhahahaha.
  16. I'm up..and ready to head out the door for the drive up! Wait....where's my coffee?
  17. who doesn't love a good cory hunt in a wonderful city? lol
  18. Cool...now you just gotta be patient for those giants to grow more!
  19. doesn't sound good...but not much you can do IMO
  20. Go to the ACE auction and see what you come home with.
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