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Wingin' It

Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by Wingin' It

  1. A prego shrimp is VERY obvious...you'll be able to see eggs if she's indeed carrying.
  2. Welcome! :thumbs: What are you starting out with?
  3. Grandfishma?? Humm...Can I put that on a resume?? LOL some of my fry are 1cm now too! I can't believe I didn't see them for so freakin' long! I love those little Cory's! I have 7, but none of them have bred...to my knowledge maybe I should look! lol
  4. Over the last few days i've noticed fry in two of my tanks! First, a pair of J. Transcriptus have been breeding right under my nose! Those little fry cling so close to the dark rock that I didn't even notice them even when I've been staring straight at them...it took until one of them decided to venture away from the rock and me wondering, What the??!! Anyways, i'm uber happy about that! Next, i've got a couple pairs of Sunspot Brevis that are breeding...the hard thing is that the fry are hiding so very well in the shells and the sand is the same color as the fry...good for them...not so good for me. I'm going buggy eyed trying to count 'em! YAY!!!
  5. Stinkin' Brine Shrimp...lol...that's all I have to say, had it going for like 2 days...still nothing hatched for me...of course I was relying on some shipped from Thailand and they could've been old for all I know. I'm stickin' to MW's too for my... (wait for it...) 5 Betta Fry! lol My most recent spawn with a new female wasn't very successful.
  6. I saw a couple much better pics a few weeks ago...so thought i'd try...hahaha. Here's my attempt at a few quick snaps And last, but not least...here's a Cormorant! There were only a dozen or so, but I think they look cool.
  7. hahaha...persistant Terrapin (turtle)! Go Fish Go! Kick him outta there! lol
  8. I went by Petcetera today, and they're blowing out all aquarium related items at 75%-80%...I was at the NE Location today and they're down to one row and very few items left...i'm using all my will power to resist going to the others, but thought i'd let you all know since my hubby would divorce me if i brought home anymore tanks! lol
  9. both work, but I must say, I prefer the canister b/c it just seems to do a better job. i stopped using HOB filters a while ago and am much happier with my canister (Fluval)
  10. Right On!!! That's so cool that they hatched for you! I really like these little guys! And the large pile of empty shells!
  11. hahaha...awww...poor Mr.Suckface Guy. Yay plants staying rooted! LOL
  12. Pretty female, and I Love those EBJD! Very cool pics!
  13. One thing you can do to save money, is by using river rock...if you go to your local burnco or landscaping company or even the actual river you can score some awesome natural rock. I found lava rock on vacation in Oregon, though i`m sure I wasn`t actually allowed to
  14. Cgy Betta Guy... Wow...quite the set up...mine is so much smaller/less...maybe I should try more??!! LOL For MW's you will need to get a starter culture...If you like I can start you one and you can use that? Someone in town helped me out at one time...the least I can do is pass it fwd!
  15. Wingin' It


    Welcome! :thumbs:
  16. Whoa! I didn't even know yoyo's had the capability of drawing blood! CRAZY! Here I was thinking they were just beautiful, playful little guys!
  17. All of my fry died by week 2 AGAIN! I can't keep 'em alive...I feel bad, so I don't know if i'm going to try again...the male is definately rearin' to go again though...hahahaha. I think with all this heat that the females are ready to go again too...though i've only tried the one of the 4. *Sigh* Congrats Cgy Betta Guy on your fry! That's great that they've made it this far! I don't know what to do now except start all over again. Are you feeding MW or something else? I'm at the end of my...fins...lol
  18. Gold's or on sale at Pisces would be my suggestion. I bought from both in the past for very similar prices.
  19. Are the eggs bigger than those of these other 'food' snails?
  20. I have SOOOOOOOOO many snails...I don't ever forsee them totally erradicating them...in the 10 gallons I only put 2 in and in the 55 I put 3...so they should be happy for a long time...I think.
  21. I found some Assassin snails last week, so I bought 2...brought them home and put 'em in my 10g. planted tank. A few days later I checked in on them and what do ya know...they really work! So I went back and got 5 more today and dispersed them amoungst a couple more tanks...i'm really excited about these little guys! Who knew snails could be this much fun?!! Almost sounds sadistic...hahaha. oh well. :P
  22. I totally missed the diver the first time! hahaha...I guess I was so in awe of the fish! Just when the diver thinks he/she is done scrubbing the algae, he/she has to start again! lol
  23. At one time I also relied solely on AC's...but then I found the wonderful world of Canister filters. I have a Fluval on my 45 and a Rena XP3 on my 55...I don't know how old the Rena is, but it can't be too old...it's still in decent condition, and my Fluval is about 3-4 yrs old. I know a lot of people have had problems with their Fluvals, but at this point, i'm ready to throw out this dang Rena...every 2 weeks I have to pull it apart and wash out everything for the power to return to it...driving me nuts. I personally think Canisters are the way to go.
  24. I found a trio of Occellatus today, I think they were Zambian Blue's...I thought someone on here was looking for some shell dwellers a while ago. I'm pretty sure there is a BIG male and 2 females. They were apparently brought in by someone a week ago...i'd buy 'em but my tanks are pretty full...overstocked even! lol dang it! :P If you're interested i'll let you know where they are
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