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Everything posted by tetras_corys_loaches_oh_my

  1. and they take 6+months before they are big enough to see well, let alone introduce them with other fish when i was breeding them i had 2 grow out tanks constantly. they sure are sweet
  2. you can only come visit if ya bring BN's was told it is a perfectly natural algae, and wont harm nuffin... and it looks so COOL! and im married, i aint allowed to give THE purple to anyone but my hub LMFAO
  3. heehee i get such interesting responses when i talk about planted driftwood... :thumbs:
  4. okay, i like driftwood with stuff growing on it... i now have a purple stick! it looks so cool!! :hey: my husband says it is 'imperial roman purple' coloured... i wonder if it will get hairy too... what does one do with purple algae... anyone interested in purple sticks? i can grow more of 'em.
  5. I had a CAE in a tank many moons ago before I knew any better... then the bugger ate an eye outta my molly... molly lived, CAE met Mr. Tidy Bowl
  6. :cry: i am so sorry for the loss of George, Rose.
  7. um... BEING an apartment manager, I would definately say no... albeit i have had people believe i wouldnt know what they were talking about... then get mad when i tell em my aquarium rules... like supplemental insurance that i want to see proof of one guy got annoyed when i said that, then i brought him into my suite... sorry man, i am not putting a 120G fish tank on the third floor of a 40+ y/o building... guy actually said "Its not that much water"
  8. i have 3 rainbow splendidas and an angel in a 33. ask jvision, my angel is HUGE and that seems to be a good amount of space for him.
  9. was i right? looks pretty when its submerged. wonder what i should grow on my next stick... im thinking vines on the long one... make it a floater so it becomes a canopy... should be interesting...
  10. and yes, i KNOW that sounds wrong -roll-
  11. I dunno if a 6' long, 150lb vacuum can be described as 'cute'.....'cool' mebbe, but 'cute'? LOL That's just cute in a BIG way. um... where are you putting the potentially HUMONGEOUS George? gotta pool? man... i would give my hubbys left nut for a pool full of fish... :bow:
  12. well, in all honesty, i have done a water change once in one of my tanks... added bad fish and the ecosystem started to crash... i have 4 tanks running, 3 for the last 3 years straight (75G, 40G and a 22G). maybe its the fish I keep? -roll- i only add more water due to evap. and some of my fish have had a longer span than the average from what i have heard... who knows... maybe its all my whimpy fish.
  13. they hatch pretty quickly too, but take +6 months to be of any noticable size... look like sperm for 3 months *LOL* And, if your cories are breeding, expect them to do it CONSTANTLY. My tetras, and sometimes the cories, eat the eggs in 5 seconds flat, but I have 2 breeding trios so, if I wanted, I could have 300 new eggs every week... i fed mine elk yolk for the first week. remember to remove the eggs that get gross and REALLY fuzzy. hard to judge that though, as sometimes fuzzy eggs still make babies. You will need a grow out tank that can be used for MONTHS though, just to warn ya... they are so sweet though. i grow my small clutches out in big mason jars with an airator blowing in it. easy to sell them that way too. good luck!
  14. *sigh* little froggy went to the great lilypad in the sky... this morning it was still alive but unable to turn over, so was upside-down... poor thing.
  15. okay, i have a few aquatic frogs in my community tank and one of them is zipping around the top... it looks like a balloon! doesnt seem to be in distress but is it gonna :boom: ? not a sign of pregnancy i suspect, but this looks wrong... i will try to get the pics on, but its a camera phone but the brown bloated blob would be it
  16. *LOL* My daughter loves that mixture... first time she had it, she was 6, and her friends came over just as she was sucking back some tenticles... man, they turned a cool clour...
  17. hey all. I got a bunch of mussel shells and i was wondering after i "unlake" them, could I put them in my tank with the angel and rainbow splendidas? I have 5 dozen full shells (both halves still joined) and, no, i do not plan to put ALL in the tank but how many would be all right?
  18. i found a webpage called http://pricenetwork.ca/deals that lists the specials and sales of multiple aquarium/fish places. kinda interesting.
  19. I have a large group of multiple corys in my tank and I have never had an incident of hybriding... when my bronzes are going to town per se, the others dont even try to get near, when I added new peppers THEN my peps started frisking. Maybe just lucky
  20. is this do-able? It was recommended by a petstore employee, so I figured I would ask here instead. Need it for the bottom of the jars I use to grow out my cory fry, as they came in a little batch this time.
  21. this fish is... 6-7 inches fin to fin. I have been told by angel peoples that it is big *L* Any thoughts to which angel it is, and if its a male or female... I am thinking about selling him because I cannot do him justice... any thoughts? Sorry the resolution is so crappy... camera phone, can't ya tell?
  22. corys breed like wildfire with the right conditions which are easy to get. i have a bunch, and, really, the only thing they seem need is temperature fluctuation. (as she watches them lay eggs all over the glass as she types) want any bronzes? I'll have a bunch in 5 minutes *LOL* last time i got 60 fry... have a set of peppers that I am waiting to let lay... ack... (watching ~2~ bronzes lay eggs) man... almost tempted to let the rainbow splendidas eat these... i so need a bigger grow out tank.
  23. okay, no blocks in tank...*L* I was looking and thought... um, wouldnt those be very sharp breaks... man, i need more sleep... maybe if I go garage "sailing" and buy some of those hideous urns and smash those... and my hubs a painter... got a lot of sandpaper... how many fish could i put in a 40G? And, currently, I have one HUGE angelfish in there (he's 8" from top to bottom of fins) Can I put anything in there with him or do I have to wait until he dies to use that specific tank? Or maybe I could sell him...I'd like some of those electric blues for 15$ *GRYN* Sorry for all the questions... I can breed an army of cory cats of all types but cichlids are not in my zone of know how.
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