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Everything posted by vince0

  1. i also had blue green algea, and when i did a bit of research, found that it was cause by excess decaying matter. Quick answer, trim off any plants that have it on their leaves, scrub it off any wood/stones/decor that has it, and do a 50% wc every second day removing as much detritus as possible. this methord got rid of the BGA in my high tech planted tank in 1 week.
  2. Hey everyone! I figured it was about time i intruduced myself to you folks. My names Vince and i live in SE calgary (the good part) - I have been in the hobby on and off for about 14 years and currently have 3 tanks set up, with many more awaiting proper equipment to start setting up. My first tank is a 55 gallon, 4 ft tank with a breeding pair of angelfish, 8 silver tip tetras, 11 spawning sterbai cory's, 2 male albino bristlenose short fin, 1 female albino bristlenose long fin,and 1 L204 flash pleco. This is a low tech planted tank with a few pieces of mopani wood, and a mix of black fluorite gravel and dark small river gravel. It is mostly planted with a variety of anubias, a few sword plants, some valinesria and another kind of grass (not sure what kind). The filter i have on there is a fluval 305 that im thinking about modifying, and the lights are a home depot brand 48" dual t8. My second tank is a 33 gallon, 3 ft tank with a breeding pair of german blue rams, a breeding group of american flagfish, a spawning group of gardneri killifish (golds and regulars), a breeding trio of wild type swordtails, 8 rasbora hets, a group of diffusa apple snails, 6 spixie apple snails, a multitude of assassin snails that im slowly relocating, 5 clown pleco's that im trying to establish as a breeding group, and about 20 - 30 american flagfish fry that are growing out in a breeder net. This tank is a hi-tech planted with a 36" HO T5 Hagen Glo Dual Bulb, Red Sea Co2 with regulator system, (im currently trying different diffusers till i get one im happy with) The substrate is a mix of extra small dark river gravel and black fluorite sand, and the plants include anubias, bacopa, cabomba, red tiger lotus' and many more that i can't remember right now. Those two tanks im using as display/grow outs for that various species i plan on setting up in breeding tanks. My Third tank is a 10 gallon, species tank. It currently has a group of N. Brevis "sunspot" growing out and I believe I have 2 pairs forming out of my group of 8, and 3 of the individuals will be going to a fellow fish hobbyist in calgary in the next week or so. The substrate is black sand and the lighting is a single 18" t8 bulb. The tank is slightly planted with Anubia Nana sp. Petite. I have 2 10 gallons, 1 33 gallon, and 2 20 gallon Long tanks waiting to be set up, me and my father are currently desingning a 5ft stand to incorporate the 10 gallon and 20 gallon tanks. At this point the brevis will be going into one of the 20's. I also have a 6ft 180 gallon tank on its way (got it for free from my roommate's uncle) and this will be set up as an angelfish and geophagus tank. Once the listed tanks are set up i will be acquiring new species for the display tanks as all the various breeding groups will be getting their own tanks. I look forward to talking to you guys and hope to learn new things in the near future. Thanks Vince
  3. hmmm edmonton must be different, the one on southland dr in calgary does it... sorry to misinform
  4. canadian tire, they'll even fill it too!
  5. in my 10gallon, i got the cheap submersible type from riverfront... it keeps the tank right on 78, only problem is that i can't adjust the temperature...
  6. i think this summed it up real nice... in a large enough tank that is set up correctly you might be able to look at a few julidochromis transcriptus... that would be pretty much it, or another species of shell dwellers, but in a 17g tall tank, i would stick to one species.
  7. id just leave it, the more you change things in your tank, the more you'll stress your fish. sounds like your tank is still getting settled, and your better off letting things do just that. IME it'll eventually go away, but it takes time. The wood in my tanks had that stuff on it for 6 months, i just planted a low light plant in front of it so i wouldn't see it.
  8. it says to leave it as its beneficial, or use a toothbrush to brush it off with the intake of you siphon right over top of the area your scrubing so the spores get sucked up. IMO i would just leave it as its a natural source of food for the fish in the aquarium, also stated in the article
  9. vince0


    just a thought, maybe you should leave the tank alone and let them do their thing for the next few days. If i had this gigantic face trying to look in my house, my girlfriend probably woundn't want to get intimate, she'd be wondering why this gigantic face is looking in my house. Fish need privacy too lol.
  10. might help if you google "ameca splendens" which is their scientific name?
  11. where is this imperial aquariums and why have i never seen it/heard about it before lol is this place worth checking out? is it in calgary? thanks vince
  12. Nice looking angels if i say so myself!
  13. thank you very much for the article, i have 11 sterbai in my 55 gallon planted SA tank, and the little guys breed for me once a month although im usually late to try and gather up eggs, i do like the insight on how to trigger a spawn. Some insight on my set up, it seems that the cories seem to prefer spawning on the glass of the tank behind vallisneria or other tall grasses, maybe you could incorporate this in your set up and see if it makes a difference?
  14. vince0


    welcome to the forum!
  15. vince0

    hi everyone

    hello all, i just found this place and am really glad to have found it, its nice to have people close by with knowledge and experience of whats around. I currently have a 55 gallon tank with a whole bunch of daffodil fry (neolamprologus pulcher). theres also a random mollie, and a couple clown plecos. hopefully over the next year ill be able to get rid of some of the fry and switch it over to south american. anywho, hello again vince
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