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Everything posted by Jaykit

  1. Nice looking tank! When you siliconed the sand down did you just spread the silicone with a putty knife and then a fine layer of sand?
  2. Yes, I too love bringing new fish home. Even if its just something small, such as the 5 assassin snails and 3 new plants i brought home a couple days ago. Just leaves me sitting in front of my tanks for even longer periods of time watching everything interact with each other.
  3. Great looking tank! I sure love those yellow tangs.
  4. Jaykit

    20 Gallon Planted

    Great looking tank.
  5. Great looking tanks! Looks like you have alot of variety of plants. You should take some more with the light on in the tank and the lights off in the room/flash off.
  6. i definitely noticed a difference when i switched from flakes from the lfs to nls. Won't feed anything else to any of my fish now. They are more active and colorful.
  7. I have never kept saltwater myself but I have done my fair share of research as I too am wanting to take the plunge. For your sandbed the 2 types people usually go with at deep (5-6") or shallow (1.5") so i would recommend choosing 1 or the other. I also know that saltwater is all about water movement and that turnover in the tank is a necessity, so yes add the powerheads into the tank. The more live rock is better too as the live rock is what does most of the cleaning in your tank to remove all the unwanted chemicals. Also, for your set-up i would recommend getting rid of your fx5 as people call canister filters nitrate factories for saltwater set-ups and replace it with a HOB filter or sump. Here is a great link that really helped me out when i first started my research: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1696795 If you are planning on going on the reef type tank I would recommend a more powerful light fixture like a mh or t5ho setup, watts/gallon isn't really used as a guide anymore but its a good guestimation of what you'll need and for reefs people usually say 5+wpg. Also, I know that alot of people say that turbo snails aren't the best things to have in reef set-ups as they tend to knock over your corals and cause damage. Hopefully someone on here will confirm all of this or say that i've no idea what i'm talking about and let you know what you should really be doing.
  8. You should be fine unless you think that the inside of your apartment is going to reach 30+ which i highly doubt. If anything the room temperature will keep your tank at a reasonable temperature and your heater won't run all summer.
  9. My responses are all in red to your questions. My neighbor has a tall 40 gallon tank with 12-15 rummynose tetras, a couple small rams(Bolivian)I think.And 2 small plecos. She asked if she should add one angelfish, and I said I didn't know anything about them.Yes, it would be okay but I would add a pair angels. It would be a nice eye catcher in the tank with the smaller tankmates. She filters a little under double(I think 2 aquaclear 30 filters),and regular water changes, I diddent look at her tempature,she has a couple live plants, and I don't think she does anything special besides decloanate the water and put it in the tank.Angels are fairly hardy and can take a wide range of parameters. also she read somewhere that you should only have about 1/4inches of substrate,is that true?Depends on the set-up. A 1/4" layer of substrate is just to limit the amount of "crap" that can settle into the substrate and remain there. I use peat in my filter and my rams/tetras are really healthy and happy should I suggest this? Or will lowering the ph and hardness be bad for the angel? Never worried about adding peat to my angel tanks as almost all angels are bred locally and will do fine in the local tap water. Have her look up angelfish online as there is tonnes of knowledge out there. Even ask the lfs personnel before going through with the purchase.
  10. Congrats and nice pictures forsure!
  11. That planted tank sure looks great!
  12. I just place mine in the stand underneath the tank on a facecloth and i can't even hear it from 2 feet away. Might be a case that its just time for a new air pump if its too noisy for you.
  13. Jaykit


    Is your existing substrate flourite too? If not I recommend the following: You'll want the flourite under your existing gravel/rock/sand. So you'll want to remove the all the plants and fish, then you can remove all water and the existing substrate. Then dump the flourite into the bottom of the tank and arrange as you want. Then replace the existing substrate. Then very carefully return the water to the tank so as not disturb the substrate. I would recommend leaving all the fish and plants out of the tanks for 24hrs in a temporary set-up. You'll also want to clean your filters once a week for the next couple weeks as all the extra bits get sucked up.
  14. By big schools how many do you mean? 10 each? If so yes, that will be enough. The plants will do the majority of the filtering for you and filter will help out too. Stay constant with your water changes ever week or 2 to keep the levels down.
  15. Jump up and down. It means that your fish like you alot. You can try selling them on here or to a store when they get bigger or simply keep them.
  16. Wow thats a great shot that you don't see every day!
  17. Amazing technology that comes out! Definitely something to look into as it gains popularity.
  18. Very cool! I just started up my first shrimp tank just a few weeks ago, not CRS just cherry shrimp for now. Definetly want to see some pictures of your new additions.
  19. Wow very obscure fish that i've never seen. The knife is amazing!
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