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Everything posted by XodoK

  1. They're just a rare breed of False Perculas, only happen like 1 in every 100 000. Very cool fish but the snowflakes are nicer IMO.
  2. I go to Rona for all my plumbing supplies, and for the stuff you can't get there, Aquarium Illusions seems to have everything else.
  3. IMO most hobbyists shouldn't keep stingrays, except for the ones who have the capacity to grow them up such as a few members on here. I wouldn't even attempt at keeping a ray in an 80 gallon tank.
  4. Assuming you start with juvies, the tank is quite large so I don't see any problem with that. But like Ryan said the Festae will be the agressor when larger. V. regani in my experience tend to be much more psychotic than anything listen except the Festae. Best of luck
  5. XodoK

    Rena Xp4

    In my experience they do start leaking within a year, and I had one do over $1000 damage to my house in just under 24 hours. I prefer Eheims and I like the new Fluvals, especially the G series. It seems to be a superior filter above the rest.
  6. That's a very nice fish, I'd love to own one.
  7. I've owned a couple of their products, they seem to work well!
  8. Well if using for feeders I'd probably say have a couple tanks with the pair being in like a 25 or bigger
  9. HOB= Hang on back filter like an Aquaclear or such.
  10. XodoK

    Hello :)

    Ogromnoe spasibo.
  11. XodoK

    Hello :)

    Hey everyone, I'm new to the site, and new to fishkeeping as well. So I thought it would be a good idea to sign up and learn as much as possible. So far I have a 5 gallon community tank, a 10 gallon guppy tank, and a 2.5 gallon with a betta.
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