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Everything posted by Nyasa

  1. I don't think you need dithers with calvus. They come out and about plenty. You could consider keeping them in a Tang community with Julidochromis sp. as well or even a nice male Aulonocara.
  2. Love that calvus. The male flametail you sold me last year is as nice or even nicer than the one you have a picture of there. Do you keep the peacock with your calvus? I keep mine with 4 calvus and a pair of julies. Some day when I can take some nice pictures, I'll have to figure out how to post them.
  3. Nice to know. With all the Christmas gifts the kids got I'm not sure an extra box for a few fish would have been worth it to him. Thanks Christian.
  4. Thanks alot Wendy, I was just checking on their website myself. I will try calling ahead to confirm. Sounds like it may be OK with your luggage. It also talks about pets being allowed with prior approval. I haven't flown anywhere in years now. It sure seems like you need to be up to the minute with these regulations. David. I just phoned them and it does not sound as though it is at all possible to take fish on passenger flights whether it is carry on luggage or checked in luggage.
  5. I remember reading a thread a while back about West Jet's regulations for carry on luggage and whether or not bringing a bag of live fish was permitted. My brother-in-law is flying back to Kelowna tomorrow night and I was going to give him a bag of fish for his aquarium. Does anyone know if this will be a problem?
  6. A shelldweller that I have wanted for a long time is the 'pearly occelatus' or Neolamprologus meleagris.
  7. Why shouldn't one do filtre maintenance at the same time as they are doing a water change? This has always been my habit. I use the discarded tank water to rinse the filtre media.
  8. Yeah, I wanted an L 200 but it was already marked as sold. Will there be more plecos ordered this month?
  9. Loaches are definitely among the more difficult to catch. On the other end of the spectrum though, I'd have to say shelldwellers are the easiest to catch. Simply scare them into their shell and pull out the shell. No nets or spoons required.
  10. Are the Tiger plecos the L 66 King Tiger? If so how much?
  11. It is also available to borrow from the Calgary Public Library. Well worth the time.
  12. I bought one at Riverfront last year on sale for $38.
  13. Beautiful looking fish. They look real healthy, not at all bulky. The Placidochromis look like they're showing real promise.
  14. I've always wanted to have a tank of Benthochromis tricoti.
  15. I'm just curious why you wouldn't want to restore the temperature to normal as quickly as possible?
  16. I think they went for $8 or $9. Only two bidders. There really is no market in Calgary for New World cichlids other than the dwarves or discus it seems. Too bad, cause they are great fish.
  17. Nice looking tank Val. Looks like a great set up for julies.
  18. I've kept O. lithobates with electric yellows with no problems. They're rather mild mannered. They may get bullied by similar looking haps ie. S. fryeri.
  19. Nyasa


    Having never kept these I can only speculate based on what I've read. I think the bumblebee (Ps. crabro) are quite a bit larger and more aggressive and may not make good tankmates for this reason alone. The M. maingano have similar coloration to Ps. saulosi males and this may be troublesome come breeding time. That being said, I think M. maingano and Ps. crabro would get along fine with each other as far as mbuna go.
  20. How stable are your rock piles? Did you silicone them? I just fear they look a little precarious particularily if you're keeping cichlids. Love the layout and stucture though. Nice looking plants too.
  21. Kigoma have 7 stripes. One of the only varieties that do as far as I knoq.
  22. I had to stop by Pisces myself to check this out. Very cool to see the parents taking runs at much larger catfish.
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