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Everything posted by Nyasa

  1. Most of the fish you have shown us appear to mbuna of some sort or another. They may even be hybrids. These fish would not be suitable tankmates for shelldwellers. The first fish I bought five years ago were from the mixed African tanks at Pisces. The more I delved into the hobby the more frustrated I became at not knowing what they were. Two weeks later I returned them and exchanged them for a named species. (It was a Melanochromis auratus) Great fish, but I found that I couldn't keep anything with it in my 20 gallon tank. Five years and five tanks later, I now keep a pair of L. occelatus in my 20 gallon tank with a pleco and a couple of rainbowfish. I would recommend you return these fish and exchange them for fish that you will be certain of their origins. . Best of luck with your new tanks.
  2. Nice, I wasn't sure. For a while there it was 2 for 1 every Saturday. I/m going to pick up some Japanese Koi for my pond this weekend. Should be a steal at those prices.
  3. Yes, this answers my questions quite well. Thanks for your insights.
  4. I breed Labidochromis caeruleus. I keep them with my Lake Malawi haplochromines which are a mixed bag. They are easy to breed. I haven't bred anything else to compare it to. I have a pair of Lamprologus occelatus that have thus far been unproductive. I would like to try some different plecos and Altolamprologus calvus.
  5. Is it still 2 for 1 on the second Saturday of the month?
  6. What a wealth of information you have provided. I would love to try breeding these guys. I presently have a juvenile albino that I have not yet sexed. I purchased it an aquarium society auction. When breeding these in cichlid tanks, do you believe it is necessary to remove the cichlids? Where did you get your breeding pair? I am wondering just how much diversity there is with the genetics from the LFS? Thanks for all the great info. David.
  7. All of the panaque plecos are like termites when it comes to wood. I had a clown pleco that was amazing that way. I found it to be quite annoying and eventually traded it in. Royals are quite beautiful though when fully grown. Riverfront has a few larger ones in stock.
  8. I have a 90 gallon tank with the following: 1 frontosa 1 Aulonocara stuartgranti maleri island 1 Otopharynx lithobates 1 Placidochromis electra 1 Protomelas taeniolatus 3 Labichromis caeruleus 2 Synodontis multipunctatus I have a 33 gallon tank with the following fish still growing 1 Aulonocara stuartgranti mbenji regal 1 Aulonocara saulosi 1 Placidochromis electra 1 Copadichromis borleyi 1 Copadichromis azureus 3 Labidochromis caeruleus 1 Julidochromis ornatus I have a 20 gallon tank with 3 Lamprologus occelatus I have a 10 gallon tank with L. caeruleus fry. 2 Synodontis petricola
  9. I have three myself. Had them for almost four years now. They are great. Almost 4" long now.
  10. I have a common pleco - about 6" right now another one bought as a yellow pleco - probably another gibbiceps L 66 King Tiger pleco albino bristlenose pleco
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