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Everything posted by Aroman

  1. O.K, it’s time to go away for summer holidays once again, unfortunately my buddy will only take care of my Arowana, he will be moving boz over to his tank for the two weeks. So this leaves me with a tank full of feeder gold fish around 200 +/-, I plan on freezing the gold fish in bags of 25 thawing as needed. My question to you is how long can gold fish be in the freezer before they won’t come back to life?
  2. Hi Wayne, I have had Aro’s for a few years and think of myself as somewhat of an expert on Arowana’s.I see lots of suggestions like lights and background these changes never seem to work. What does work well is injecting your shrimp with red dye, mark my word within a week or two your fish will be red. You can pick food dye up for a buck or two at your local grocery store, this is by far the cheapest way too turn your fish red. You can thank me later this works great!!
  3. Yes the Calvus seem to be fine, I have allot of different fish in the tank (Frontosa, Arowana, Peacocks, polits, Angel fish) the only ones that seem to have problems is the Calvus? I lost 2 out of 8 so far.
  4. I did a water change last week and had similar results with my 2 black calvus the rest of the fish were fine go figure. Maybe they started adding something to tap water?
  5. I agree it’s all about feeding and water changes more is always better.
  6. 260 Gal with Arowana and 10 Frontosas

  7. I see you have them in with other fish, I was told this isn’t recommended let me know how it goes. I would like too put a group in with my Frontosa’s?
  8. Great job Wayne nice fish it looks like you have him mostly eating Shrimp. Did you try feeding him NLS it seems to really bring out the colors in mine?
  9. I have African cichlids with my silver Aro, as he gets bigger they seem to disappear by the day. So cichlids make good food but not tank mates go figure?
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