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Everything posted by SourceAquatics

  1. What are the best discus care sheets? Simply Discus What are some misconceptions? Discus are cichlids and are hardy fish, if kept in good water and fed good food What are the ABSOLUTES of keeping them? water changes, water temp, food What are your recommendations for getting some? I have kept them on and off since I was 12 years old, they are the most beautiful fresh water fish in world. ie: get a couple and see how you do with them? dont start with any less than 6-8 fish, start off with a bare bottom tank and nothing smaller than a 60 gallon tank for 6-8 of them get them young? the larger you buy theml the less likely they will die on you. i'd recommend nothing smaller than 3-4" get a certain type which is hardier? get the ones you like the most, all discus are pretty hardy. buy from a good source and buy from clean tanks. make sure the discus you buy are eating BEFORE you bring them home,the better the quality of discus, the better they will thrive for you. Feel free to ask any more questions.
  2. i dont recommend and toxic products on a tank in case some gets into the tank.
  3. could also be made out of low-e glass. Low-e glass does deteriorate like that over time.
  4. Same pumps branded under "coralife" sell for $119.99 each at Big Al's...this is a great deal. Wist you would have proposed this a few weeks ago as I ordered an alita
  5. you should be able to get a couple of Rays and a n arrowanna in that tank. may also depend on the kind of rays. Also, check with "fairdeal" he had some rays in last time for real good price of $50.00 each
  6. i liked the red dragons but sounds like there common. im looking for rare types. im letting my tank cycle for about a month with some plants.if you have some of the best in the world thats what im after. ive had some very rare fish my best so far is a black tang. i like bright fish so if you could give me a few ideas that would be great. if your in calgary when my tank is done cycleing i will have to take a weekend trip to calgary for some fish. Some Albinos are considered rare, but a fish is only rare for a little while.... until others start breeding them. If you do plan on breeding Discus, go with good quality fish and be picky for shape, size and color that way you babies will also be a good quality. At the moment, I only carry fish bred and raised by Wayne Ng. Wayne is VERY picky when it come to what fish he breeds and sells Only the best. A few people have been over to my house in Calgary to see the shipment of Wayne Ng Discus and they can tell you, the pic do NOT do these fish any justice.
  7. I have raised fish in the large rubber made tubs when I ran out of tanks. Make sure you use the filters from your tank as is as well as keep up your regular water changes. Should be fine.
  8. The breeder I buy from only breeds and sells what "he" considers "premium" discus. Discus that are known to be hard to breed and have VERY unique qualities. He does not breed or sell the red dragons (AKA: Red Pigeon Blood or Checkerboard Pigeon) I can breeder size and age fish and have sold a 3 to one individual. from the 3 I sold a couple weeks ago, 2 paired off and have bred twice and the 3rd paired with another fish I had sold him a few weeks prior. A good quality PROVEN breeding pair will cost at least $400.00. when I say proven, I mean I have seen free swimming fry. I do know of several people as of late buying "breeding pairs" from few places, however, any 2 fish can lays eggs and fertilize, no all pair can raise babies as well as be fertile. The fish I stock now are guaranteed not to be hormone'd or sterile and are known to be of some of the best quality in the world.
  9. 2 24 watt t5s is this light to intense for them? It might be depending on the fish and where they come from. I'd go with less light also since i am sumped how many discus can i have in my tank? For Discus 10 gallons of water per Discus. I'd say no less than 5 and no more than 6 full grown Discus in size tank
  10. why not just remove the gravel, do a good cleaning on the tank and gravel (large water change) and put the gravel back in once you have removed the extra fish. Might not look as pretty for a few days but may help resolve your issue. I use a fish net to take my gravel out a little bit at a time.
  11. I had a similar problem with a couple of Discus about a year ago. I found that adding a bit of salt and Kanaplex was the best cure...for the Discus at least.
  12. dont think I got the e-mail...please re-send
  13. They have the same pump for sale at Big Al's branded under "Coralife" for $119.99
  14. id go with a I or II for a 10 gal and II or III for a 20 gal
  15. I honestly dont think that pump will cut it. Here is one I was considering: Dolphin EP-30 Air Pump http://www.angelsplus.com/PumpsRepair.htm For Sponge filters: http://www.jehmco.com/html/hydro-sponge_filters.html HTH
  16. I have acclimated all my Discus to live in straight Calgary water, they will not have very large successful spawns in this water and and RO/DI units tends to be the cheapest way to go. You can pick up a 6 Stage ro\di unit off of e-bay for about $160.00 USD plus shipping. Hope That Helps.
  17. I have seem people use the following: http://www.igopro-online.com/product-p/matala-lowh.htm
  18. has a bunch of Wayne Ng discus in stock....Best in The World

  19. http://www.jehmco.com/html/accessories___media.html Scroll down to pre-filter stacks
  20. Thats another reason we dont carry the UV line of the filter. For the regular canister filter sans UV, all the marinland parts are compatible.... The UV filter is SunSun's own adaption. AquaGiant carries the UV line and may be able to get you the extra parts that you need: North: 12775 50 Street. Edmonton (780)988-2872 South: 3204 Parons Rd.(99 St,) (780)468-4661
  21. the true purpose of having a UV is more than just algae. Ideally you want to have the UV kill any water born bacteria, etc 9W UV could do that, but would need a MUCH lower flow rate.
  22. we don't sell the UV filters. the 9W UV will be good for keeping things like certain types of algea under control but not really great for killing bacteria and such.
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