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Everything posted by Ron

  1. Looks like my male Betta albimarginata is about to spit out the fry, I guess I need to get some BBS on the go. Can anyone recommend a commercial brine shrimp hatchery. Thanks, Ron
  2. It's cheaper than cultured live rock.
  3. You just need messier fish. I'm planning on using Marbled Crayfish, they "clone" themselves, are fairly tolerant of each other and are quite the pigs which creates a lot of waste. How much are you planning on bringing down your TDS? I treat 200 ppm as lower medium hardness and was planning on running mine closer to 300 ppm.
  4. Pisces should have ADA Bacter 100 and Bacter Balls but I haven't really looked for it there. You could also but the Power Sand Special which contains Bacter 100 and Clear Super.
  5. Thanks for the heads up, I have 2 to 3 water changes scheduled before they arrive.
  6. I use ADA Bacter 100 or Bacter balls, ADA Clear Super and Ebiken Kou powder. You need to add it at the start and the only thing I replenish sometimes is the Kou powder.
  7. Just finished tweaking my TB tank. I didn't go with UGF system as I already had my additives and ADA Amazonia in the tank. My pH was only getting down to ~6.0 so I took some of it out and capped it with some ADA Africana Powder type. My filter has been circulating for 20 minutes or so and my pH is 5.1. I tried the bag method that Liam uses for filling his tanks and it worked like a charm. I however didn't drip, I pumped the water in though a 12mm hose but it still worked great. Only a week till they land . Thanks again for posting these setups along with your own jumpsmasher, they were all very helpful. Now for my PRL tank! Ron
  8. Personally I don't think it's necessary with only a couple inches of substrate. If you do go with an UG system, pack larger media (ie. Seachem Matrix) around the pipes before you layer your ADA as Liam does in the first link..
  9. Ron

    Hob Vs Canister

    Always a fear, I never really thought about it till I was going to set up a 300 gallon stock tank with a canister. You can drill a small hole in the intake pipe inside the tank just below the planned water height and if the water level drops below, it will break the siphon. I've never had one of my canisters leak (knock on wood) so I can't really say how they develop. I was also going to put my Eheim 2262 within a 45 gallon garbage can so if it were to leak, the water leaked would be contained till the siphon was broken.
  10. Pretty sure it shut down, they were clearing out everything last time I was there and that was quite a while ago.
  11. Was that camera person in a rush? I got motion sickness watching that...LOL.
  12. Giving me great ideas for my next tank, thanks jumpsmasher. Ron
  13. Yeah, but I only need 10, that`s like one Blue Bolt....
  14. That's a pretty good price for the cheap ones. I prefer the NAG Aqua Music ones over the Pyrex ones.
  15. Ron

    Hello From Calgary

    Welcome to the forum! I had dreams of a monster tank once but they have fizzled. I keep mostly shrimp but I do have a couple Sterlets and Tiger Eels. Ron
  16. Way more tanks than I could handle. No problem, thanks for the fish food. Good luck with all of them.
  17. Thanks for taking the time to do the write ups, they are very informative. Where did you get your feeding dishes from? Ron
  18. Looking good Steve. Next order will be here soon, need anymore....LOL.
  19. Ron

    Hob Vs Canister

    I like canisters and I like to oversize them too. I run an Eheim 2076 Pro 3e on a 30 gallon and I have 2 - 40 gallon tanks with 2075 Pro 3 canisters. I have an Eheim 2262 that I was going to use on a stock tank; now it is massive, pretty much a 5 gallon pail with a pump on it. Ron
  20. No that makes me want to redo mine. Nice job....new list is on it's way from Ebiken .
  21. Pumpkins will breed with Cherries and probably produce some ugly shrimp it is best to keep them separate and constantly cull to keep quality up.
  22. I actual found a hybrid when I got some CPDs, that's when I dug into it and realized it was a hybrid. I believe that Emerald Dwarf Rasboras should be changed to a Danio.
  23. True Dat! If I had a tank ready, I would have bid on the arowana. From what I could tell, it was a Red Tail Gold and a super steal at $45.
  24. You didn't show off the Pumpkins. You should have let me know about the Ghost shrimp, I could have tried to pick you up a bunch from my wholesaler, usually lots of berried ones. Good luck with them all. Ron
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