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Everything posted by albert_dao

  1. Here's one of the side views (the none-pump side):
  2. Hey Rob, just in case, here's a quick overhead sketch of the sump. The idea is to keep both the drain and the pump on the same side of the tank. Additional information on the downdraft skimmer can be found here: http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.p...25&pagenumber=1 Good read if you're in the planning stages of your sump. The drain is drilled 2-3" from the top lip of the tank and has a bulkhead plumbed with a 90 degree PVC fitting. This drains directly to a storm drain. You may wonder where the mechanical filtration compartment is. Well, in short, I believe it unecessary in properly set up tanks. There's plenty of information on RC about the mech-filtration vs none topic. Needless to say, I don't run any in my personal tanks, and have removed it completely from the tanks at the store and the tanks have never been cleaner and less hassle-free. Anyway, if you have any questions about the sump design, just let me know.
  3. Hey Rob, let me know before you get everything put together. I have plans for an AWESOME sump. And when I say awesome, I mean "holy crap, jump kick my mother in the face" awesome.
  4. Yeah, they taste like dried shrimp crackers after you dry them out.
  5. Southdown is used a lot in the states. It's a calcite-based substrate with an ideal particle size. It lacks a lot of the benefits of aragonite though - eg. it falls behind aragonite for calcium and buffering capacity
  6. Is it called Southdown?
  7. Like $25. Cuttlefish are much, much cooler though, but they're also much harder to get in.
  8. Tim, check out http://www.tonmo.com. They are down right now as I type this, but it is the biggest online resource for Ceph information. Also, http://reefcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=38 That should give you a good idea of where to start.
  9. Oh, that looks like a pretty new site! I'll check up on it later.
  10. Your Asian supermarkets sure get some weird fish in. Here we get tilapia and... tilapia. I had five of these fish years ago and they were awesome! Edit: I just had regular Gold Dojo's though, not these albinos.
  11. I imagine they'd live for the same amount of time as most other Africans (6-10 years in good health, maybe some more in venerable misery).
  12. They still make Vortex filters???? Will wonders never cease...
  13. I can: Bumble Bee Grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus). Marine grouper, one of the largest, if not THE largest species in the grouper family (that and the potato cod/jewfish). Gets something ridiculous like 10' long according to Scott Micheals. It's really interesting that you've been able to keep it in freshwater considering that the fish goes nowhere near estuaries in the wild... Wonders will never cease! Let us know how long it goes for ya!
  14. not to knock or anything, but... that's like equivalent to or more than the regular prices at gold aquariums.
  15. Are they, you know, attack the glass aggressive?
  16. whoa, how big is that guy? edit: nm, i see it now, 14" what's he eat?
  17. They're not extremely rare. You should be able to find them in Calgary pretty easily. I know there's some at the store right now.
  18. OMG, I had a female festae JUST like until I found it two hours ago on the floor. Piss me off.
  19. That depends on if they were breeding. Even then, I really can't see a pair of kribs taking up a whole six foot worth of length.
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