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Edmonton & Area Member
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  1. I have a a portable air conditioner/dehumidifier. Just wondering about the water it collects. I have to assume that's pure water, equivalent to reverse osmosis. Anybody know if it is, and if it's usable in aquariums? I can actually get a few gallons a week. Great for dwarf cichlid breeding if its safe.
  2. Hey, I'm in the east end of Edmonton. Capilano. $5 each.

  3. hey there im interested in the the glass pieces where abouts u located


  5. I'm selling off most of my fish room, and I'm trying to get an idea about how much I should be charging.. I've gone back through the classifieds but didn;t find many matches.. I have a bunch of tanks.. 10 gallon and up.. Is a buck a gallon about right.. no matter which size? And HOB filters.. All four sizes of Aquaclear.. Some of them pretty old.. Thanks!!
  6. The combtail looks pretty close. I agree with the gourami guesses. How big is it?
  7. I was really hesitant to be the 808, but when they went on sale to $99, I figured it was worth it. It's only been about four months but so far so good!
  8. Don't spend the extra money on the fancy plywood or lacquered 2x4's. Any 1\2' plywood, of fence boards, twoxfours etc, will work fine with cinderblocks. Support the span every four feet and you'll be fine.
  9. Lot's of really good advice here. Whatever works! Discus are not all the same,especially when you talk of wild ones. Quite often domestic strains are far removed from the conditions the species lives in in the wild. And to echo an above post, unless you're breeding water hardness and to lesser extent ph mean very little. In fact juveniles grow much faster and bigger in hard water. If your fish are doing o.k growing and feeding, keep at it. Warm clean water is the only requirement needed by al discus. That's my humble opinion!
  10. Tough to tell with the pic. But I think it's a salvini.
  11. Found the link. www.aquarticles.com/articles/travel/Norfolk_Vancouver_Map.html
  12. I second the J&L and King Ed votes. I did a full day tour of the city's stores a year ago. There is a great article on the web, a Vancouver hobbyist lists every store in the region, and even gives a brief description, and a map. I can't remember the link, but I think it's bookmarked on my home computer. I'll check after work (Google will likely do the trick tho, it may be linked to a Vancouver aquarium club website.)
  13. I agree with the plywood solution. But I have used another method. If the stand is wood, screw a 2X4 to both sides, flush with the top of the stand. That'll add three inches. Theoretically you could screw in more lumber if you need more space.
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