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Everything posted by laurensdad

  1. i love my eheims man i have 3 of the pro 3's
  2. my power bill is from 30 to 45 a month. the cost of the seachem i put in my tanks is probably about 50$-100$ if asked i would say the fish cost about 100 a month to keep hosed in my apartment and feed the plants just alive lol. so fish keeping is creeper then anything else i do in my life lol.
  3. just wondering what store cant Id a jack Dempsey? and if they sell there JD's for les go after your refund
  4. home depot there white ones with lids work well i did Nanaimo bc to gp in thous with fish
  5. I do my water changes when I have time. Remember co2 changes when your lights turn on and off. One of my tanks the co2 is 24/7 and the other tank it is on a timer. Also depending on the lighting you have the co2 will drop throughout the day as your plants use it up. So with out going with Ph control etc you will never be at 30ppm your entire light cycle. So do your what're changes. Your fish will thank you
  6. I believe long as your yard is fenced and you put up warning pool sings your insecure company should cover you. Maybe give them a call and see what they say you MUST have then talk with the wife
  7. i keep my lights above my tank i use the legs that come with my lights. what kind of lighting?. we have a bunch of heat from our lights. a bit of water could do it . acrylic warps from the heat of the lights i keep flipping my 3/16 ones over
  8. you could try water changes and some salt. what kind of test kits do you have have you checked your water? when did you last do a water change?
  9. you can twist the flex hose up a but and it should aim ok or shorten the hose in the tank so it is up a bit
  10. you could have a BAD iron problem i cant remember the name of bad iron but the API test kit will test for it it is the test that takes 30 mints. there is a copper test kit from API i do not know if it is just for salt water. it kills me to say this but maybe run some CARBON for a week or 2 if they even still sell it for fish tanks have not used it for years lol. the carbon will maybe help with that ever is toxic in your tank.
  11. Maybe pick up a cooper test kit read the soil see if there's any heavy metals in it. Do you have a po4 test kit phosphate. I use the API one big als has it the other brsnds a pain to use. I go more off phosphate for water changes then the other kits. How do you know your co2 is 30ppm are you useing 4dkh water or tap water what is KH at ? Is your co2 24/7? Do you have a copy of a co2/ Ph/kh chart. Good luck
  12. 2 year olds can lead to over feeding of fish. Every time Lauren walks past my tanks she Gos fish yums. Her way of telling me to feed
  13. i just use power head set up in my tanks it works well
  14. Stive try tasting flourish if you want a treat! Do not add to coffee lol
  15. Lessons learned I am going to share with you some things I have picked up on the HARD way, but first a little background: My first tank was a small hex from wal-mart in 1999 2 fancy gold fish that crooked not long after setting it up. Replaced the fish learned how to cycle a tank. Replaced the fish kept them till I moved they went to lfs or died I can't remember. My second tank was a 10 gallon tank I thought I hit the big time clown puke and all. Fish died I replaced them I end up with 2 small Oscars in there thanks to wal-mart and some bottom feeder . put tank in storage and moved after about 2 years Tank number 3 as a 33 gallon tall that bowed like a s.o.b that was a total not what to keep together tank. When moving the tank for some reason the black bottom fell off the tank. it went back to petcetra. Tank 4 my second 33 is when I discovered a gem of a store in Nanaimo BC. It was called "My Fishtank" and when my tank first started to take direction with some live plants and fish that could live together, it started to come together. I still was getting fish from were ever though. I move the whole set up to GP with no dead loss. Home depot pails in a u hall mid-September. Tank number 5 was my first 55 gallon tank and it replaced the 33. Canister filter, lights, fertilizer.... well on my way to being a plant nut. Sold it all, got out of hobby for 4 years. Tank 6 was a 55 gallon tank starter kit. Replaced everything on it. It was the first tank I went in to with a stocking in mind. I wanted blood parrots. I set it up in September of 2010 planted from day one slowly upgrading stuff. Discover the parrots dig a lot. Converted to a community tank. Tank 6 got sold. Tank 7 is a 75 gallon tank 4x54w total 216w of t5ho lights on about 12 hours a day. My substrate has a mix of 2 bags fluorite and 3mm stone about 6 bags total. I am dosing the seachem line of fertilizer comp, trace, potassium and iron. My co2 is at 2-3 bps 24/7 though a small powerhead. Temp is about 77f. Filters are both eheim pro 3 a 2075 and a 2073. Tank 8 is 27 gallon plant cube 36w of t5ho and a double bright led that came with the tank. My substrate is 2 bags of black fluorite sand. co2 and lights are on for 12 hr a day. I went with a inline heater and a eheim pro 3 2071 Now to what I discovered. The bigger the box of water the more stable the box of water Test kits are worth the money Just because the fish are in the same tank in the store does not mean there meant to be kept in the same tank you can't put just any cichlid with any cichlid, they're not all happy housed together A 2 inch pleco could end up being over a foot long Do research read books and online Do not deal with your local big box cat, dog, lizard, bird and fish store for livestock if you are looking for quality/pure lines Take what the filter is rated at and subtract 30%. If a filter is rated for 100gallon tank by the manufacturer, in reality it is good for about 70 gallons. they all lie on the box. It is like horse power or fuel mileage manufactures lie. IMO I have discovered it is best to deal with one store and ideally the same staff member. You get to know who is on what days etc. they get to know you and what your tank is about and the direction you're taking it. If you see lots of dead fish or sick fish for sale i.e. with ich or other ailments it is not a place you want fish from. Every fish store out there has death loss and they get sick fish in when they get the orders. The good store will write 'not for sale' on the tank and will even explain what the fish have and how to treat it. Ask stuff like "Will my set up be ok for this fish?". They should ask about your tank, and help with suggestions as to what will work.Don't buy your fish and your brand new first tank on the same day. Cycle the tank (fishless method is best) and then buy fish once your tank is ready for them. Or kick-start your tank with mature media from a fish buddy's tank. Big cichlids and plants do not work out in the long run Research on how deep to plant your plants they can rot. Some plants don't like planted in substrate at all. Carbon is not required in your planted tank, save your money it just removes your fertilizer Ich medication will turn your silicone green A high quality heater is worth the extra 3 bucks Mail order stuff from overseas does not always show up Fish keeping is more than just a box of water in your living room it is an expensive box of water Real fish nerds don't use clown puke. The paint chips off Lego does not always work for you in a fish tank, it floats if you don't build it underwater or fill the pieces with sand. I was so pissed to discover this Do water changes in bare feet or sandals, socks just get wet A python water changer dose not drain in to the sink very well use a gravel vac and a pail Fish are addictive Plants are even more addictive DIY co2 is a pain in the @$ just spend the money and go high tech Landlords do not like fish tanks Scientific names are a pain to say Water changes are part of fish life Do not leave your glass cleaning razor blade where it can cut your foot 2 year olds love to look at fish tanks 30 something year olds love them as well Do not pour a bag of substrate right in to your tank, big dust cloud It is sometimes easier to trick a fish in to a net breeder with food then to chase with a net Prime stinks Rubber made tub are amazing fish tanks These are just some of my lessons feel free to add your own
  16. aquarium central has tabs in stock. i do not know if they would help you get more roots though. I am assuming your thinking more roots the less the plants will come out?
  17. You will want enough filtration to change out your tank 4 to 5 times an hour. Remember to remove 30% of what the filter is rated for on the box. If that filter is rated 100 gallon tank in reality it is good for a 70 gallon tank or less. On my bigger tank 75 gallons i have a eheim pro 3 2075 and a 2073. For a rated filter capacity of 250 gallons if you aim your outlets off the back wall you will not see a lot of current from them
  18. Oryzias Woworae AKK killi - Rice Fish Daisy's Blue They are a New to hobby fish As for taking photos i got tripod just not and i am going to try and take some photos tonight after it gets dark out i get to much light from outside even with the blinds closed
  19. here are some quick photos of my tanks. please excuse the Flash the tank lights were out 75 gallon planted tank!! 27 gallon planted cube
  20. aquarium central had some last time i was in did not look at the prices
  21. do you have the lids on your tank? do you have carpet surfers?
  22. that is ok i think i am going back to work around the 8th for 2 weeks then ill be back in the cit around the 22-25 of june for a week.
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