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Everything posted by jeremoose

  1. Yeah! I got 4 Synodontis Lucipinnis for 20$ right off the bat... UNREAL! Then I had to step up for the L330 Pleco though, 70$.
  2. Thank you sir! EDIT: if Finnex made a 72" fixture I'd be all over it, going with 2x36" fixtures is a bit pricey! DOUBLE EDIT: do you have personal experience running the Finnex fixtures?
  3. Hey all, I've heard so much about Sunblaster T5's on this site for planted tanks sand I'm curious to see what the fixtures themselves look like and how you guys are mounting them. Let's see your Sunblaster T5 setups! Please include wide shots so I can see exactly how they're mounted, since I'm interested in hanging them over my tank, thanks.
  4. I have had Fluval, Rena, and Eheim and I prefer the "knock-off junk". A fraction of the cost, work just as well.
  5. Wow, that sucks a lot. Those are some beautiful fishYeah I'm really bummed
  6. My L200 pleco I bought didn't even make it out of Calgary =(
  7. I drain straight to the toilet with a long hose and fill with a garden hose, adding prime as I go. PS I don't have any tanks under 140g currently so temperature matching isn't as much of a concern.
  8. Yep i've bought from him, gorgeous fish.
  9. Thanks for the info! Sadly no snails or shrimp would survive in this tank =(
  10. The main problem I read about (besides temperature) is the fact that Rainbows can make discus skittish because of their crazy swimming behavior. This problem is typically rectified by a large enough tank; a 500g seems like MORE than enough room. What are the dimensions of that bad boy?
  11. Hey all, just moved the 240g aquarium into the basement of my new house so you all know what that means! Another one of my classic and (not-so) epic threads in which I'll start by doing a poor explanation of what I hope to accomplish, get half way to my goal and give up, stock the tank, post increasingly algae-ridden pictures until finally I give up and stop posting pics altogether. STAY TUNED!
  12. jeremoose

    Hey Guys!

    Welcome! What are the dimensions on your 120?
  13. http://alberta.kijiji.ca/c-pets-other-pets-for-sale-Parrot-fish-W0QQAdIdZ529544003 Add speaks for itself.
  14. Doesn't it feel good to let it all out?!
  15. This is from a long time ago, but I'd love an update on how this turned out.
  16. LOL! I also find planning for failure is more useful than success.
  17. Hey all, strange thread title right? I can't help but wonder who else is out there that tried really hard (or not that hard) at breeding certain types of fish and failed miserably. I'm definitely an FBA member, I've tried my hand at multiple species and only been successful at a select few (and not a very impressive list either). So this thread can be one of two things (or both): a place to share your FAILED breeding experiences with different types of fish and get some help to get back on track... OR, we can just all laugh together at our ineptitude. My failed list: 1. Ember Tetras - the idea of breeding a tetra appealed to me since at the time I was all jazzed up about having a HUGE school of something in my 150g (before it became a tank for large cichlids). I read that Ember Tetras were simple to breed (by Tetra standards) and tried my hand. I purchased multiple Embers from different sources and carefully selected my males and females based on desirable physical attributes and size, set up the proper tank conditions, separated males and females, fed them an unbelievably varied (and expensive diet), aaaaaaaaaaaand...: nothing. 2. Jack Dempsey - always loved the fish, just wanted to breed for the fun of it, since they're not rare cichlids. This has been a failure because I haven't been able to locate a decent sized female, I'm sure as soon as I get one that my male will be more than happy to provide me with some little ones. 3. BN Plecos - was lucky enough to receive a couple nicely fattened female BN's and a gorgeous featherfin male BN from a member on this site. Within 2 weeks of getting them I had baby plecos, the tank was just the Plecos and Rili Shrimp. One day, the young ones disappeared and they haven't bred since... Upsetting. 4. Angelfish - this one is especially embarassing because for most these things breed like guppys once they get a pair established. I've had and sold multiple Angelfish without ever having a pair form, I'm beginning to think there's some sort of conspiracy... Feel free to share your experiences and be the SECOND member of FBA! (I understand the irony of something called "Fail Breeders Anonymous" in a public online forum) P.S. If you are someone who breeds rays, exotic plecos, or Discus... WE DON'T WANT YOUR KIND IN HERE! P.S.S. Clearly kidding, everyone is welcome. P.S.S.S. Sorry about the ridiculous wall of text.
  18. To be honest with you, you probably won't have casualties for a VERY long time from aggression. I overstocked my 140g like crazy with juvenile cichlids I like, thinking that I was going to have to thin out the herd as aggression got bad when the fish got larger... That was over a year ago now and I have several 6" plus fish (Midas, Dempseys, Fenestratus) that get alone happily so far *knock on wood*. That tank has over 15X turn-over rate for filtration. Assuming a good water change regimen and appropriate filtration (which you have), you may be able to keep all 5 together even if you get a breeding pair, permanently. I find Dempsey's get an undeserved bad reputation. EDIT: if they're cheap, I'd pick up one more Dempsey to ensure a pair. Typically 6 is the number of juvies people buy to mathematically guarantee the chance (like 99%+) of at least one male and one female.
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