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Everything posted by jeremoose

  1. If you haven't had one before, you won't be disappointed with the personalities of more aggressive Cichlids. That being said, prepare to fish a few dead Cichlids out until you get the right amount of overstocking for an African Cichlid tank.
  2. Just to be extra sure no one does this... you don't silicone acrylic. Use weldon to bond the silicone panels together permanently. A 300 gallon glass is still pretty easily movable if you ask me. Just get a few buddies to help and you'll be ok. 4 guys should be able to do it no problem! Especially if you can borrow/rent a few really strong suction cups from a local tank maker. To be honest I'd skip the 300g if I could find an acrylic tank manufacturer and go straight to a 450+.
  3. I'd thought about that but doing an acrylic aquarium of that size terrifies me!
  4. In my opinion you could double the size of that Tetra school and still be just fine!
  5. Hey all, I'm looking for a place to get acrylic tanks. Recently got a 240g (72"x24"x30") and it's RIDICULOUSLY heavy. Naturally, I want a larger aquarium but going up to the next step (300g) in all-glass would be borderline un-movable. Google searches have turned up nothing for acrylic tank makers in the area. Anybody know something I don't?
  6. jeremoose

    Hey All

    In your fourth picture, the prominent fish front and center are Harlequin Rasbora's, in the last picture you have a Glowlight Tetra (guy at top left), a Black Neon Tetra (at the top on just right of center), a Neon Tetra (blurry guy bottom right with blue and red on him), a Black Skirt Tetra in the center of the image, and I can't identify the others. Welcome!
  7. Cherry's are incredibly hardy, not to mention you're hitting the right time of year temperature-wise to ship stuff. I say: order away!
  8. That's YOUR thread on MFK?! Dammit. Love this fish. Grats on getting him on pellets.
  9. More water changes, check. Thanks.
  10. Help! He's got this weird stuff near his dorsal, I pray it isn't ich.. Thanks.
  11. We need pictures of this monster STAT! Grats on getting it moved in, makes my new 240 seem like not such a big deal.
  12. The true addiction numbers aren't the number of tanks but the total number of gallons! lol
  13. If you figure it may be ick, jack the temperature up over 86.
  14. My calculations show that if my overflow in the tank is 2 inches below water level I only need 15 gallons of extra space in the sump to accept all the water but maybe my calcs are way off? The main problem with going with a 90 for the sump is that I have a 2x4 stand for it and can't fit an 18" wide tank under the stand. Hmmmm....
  15. Thanks for the input guys, exactly what I was looking for. Anybody else have some pictures?
  16. Hey all, just in the process of setting up my first sump and it seems like an incredibly daunting challenge.. Let's see your sump setups to prove it CAN be done! Additionally, the tank I just bought is a 240g, was considering a 55g sump, thoughts?
  17. These are the two ways I do it as well. Fish room isn't complete without a little utility (pond) pump for this sort of thing.
  18. My equation takes it to 32g. L x W x H = _________ Then divide that answer by 222, and that's how many gallons.
  19. With all the hard work you're putting in, you'll have exactly the tank you want once stuff grows in in the next month or so... Just on time to tear it all apart and try something new again!
  20. Peaceful SA/CA community. Severum, Geophagus, possibly Angelfish. Obviously I couldn't go too crazy with the stocking, would have to search out smaller Geo's and maybe go 1 or two Severum. Maybe even a single Severum and a couple Blue Acara with some Columbian Tetras.
  21. Just as an update: he's doing great. ALL of his fins have filled right in and he comes right to the surface at feeding time and skims around the surface with all the other fish, he's FAR more active than my Eclipse Cats. Sorry about the blurry picture, now that he's healed up he never stops moving. I sure hope his barbels come back
  22. I could be WAY off but I've read it costs about 10$/gallon to get started for salt and live rock. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong!
  23. Welcome! And let's see a pic of your setup!
  24. Moss has really taken off, and now it's floating Ah well.
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