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Everything posted by Fisher

  1. I saw SunBlasters in All Seasons Garden Center in Edmonton off Whyte Ave (10027 81 Ave). Calgary? Never heard of it (jk)
  2. Fisher

    Super Dad

    Some say smoked oysters keep the boys juiced up... the placebo effect might be just as convincing emperical evidence.
  3. Fisher


    Post photos as your 15g planted progresses. Time-lapse is pretty inspiring for others who're thinking about doing the same. Be welcomed!
  4. :well: Welcome to the site and to the perpetual propensity of categorical accumulation.
  5. So closer to 7x 5ppt = 35ppt; the average salinity of sea water. That's what vince0's target of 1.025SG would achieve. I don't hatch bbs (yet). Mahawka, is 5ppt prescribed by your brine kit?
  6. Fisher


    I got a recommendation to use it. So I've sifted through the posts that mention purigen here and dialoged with a few notables on the product. The web is peppered with mixed reviews. I just picked some up today. It's going in the top shelf of my 2213 (25gal). I bought the 250ml bottle (lots!) for the very reason Jayba mentions.
  7. SG measures relative density (the ratio of liquid density to pure water density). Your target SG will vary depending on how hard your tap water is (if you're starting using tap water). You need a hydrometer to measure SG which I think you're saying you don't have. So using concentration (ppt) is more objective. You'll need a measing spoon (tsp or tbsp) or a 1oz shot glass, or a balance scale. I assume ppt means parts per thousand in this context and not parts per trillion 1 part per thousand means 1g of salt per 1000g water. Water values 1gal US = 3785ml 5gal US = 18925ml 1ml = 1g ◄ 5gal US = 18925ml = 18925g Your ratio 1ppt = 18.925g salt to 18925g water 5ppt = 94.625g salt to 18925g water Converting weight to volume (salt) 94.625g salt = 82ml ◄ 15ml =1tbsp 28g =0.82 fl oz ◄ So, in answer to your 1st question Mahawka, adding 94.625g -or- 5.5tbsp -or-19tsp -or-2.75 fl. oz. of salt in your 5g tank = 5ppt. Please check my math. (Edit Jan 13) ► The conversion from grams (weight) to ml (volume) is 1:1 for water. 1ml of salt weights 1.15g. So the good ol' "28g per oz" ratio is a little high.
  8. I saw a 70g that had a tint back. It didn't have any bubbles in it; looked good. I'm a fan.
  9. let us know what you have in your aquarium(s). Be welcomed
  10.  ♩ Shiny happy ♬ people holding hands ♪ Shiny ♪ happy ♫ people laughing There's ♩ no time to ♬ cry
  11. Ah! My misunderstanding. I thought "1.1" was a typing error. Everything I wrote was based on eleven new cichlids in your tank hence bioload, water values and conflict inevitability (iss-yews = issues). Nothing measures water values better than a good test kit. A canary in a coal mine is like a warning light on your vehicle's instrument panel... once the light goes on, you're really past the point of prevention. I've only seen and subsequently kept brichardi in groups. Regardless, it is regular for the male to display more aggression than the female. You indicated that the cichlids are new to the tank. Where they alone in the tank you moved them from? I'm still wondering if, with the shark/cichlid combination, their scrapping is just inevitable. I dunno...
  12. 11 new brichardi. It's good everything is surviving the sudden bio-load. How's your water values? I'm no expert... but when I think Labeo, adjectives like territorial, aggressive and active come to mind, even though there are probably plenty of examples to the contrary. And, admittedly, I'm of the opinion that cichlids in a community arena = iss-yews, though there are examples to the contrary too. Even in a 33g, that many brichari (lovely cichlid IMO) is pretty hard to avoid especially when they're full grown. I kept 9 in a 33g species tank. Maybe the brichardi are trying to claim and defend what the shark owned before they pulled into the neighborhood... In a battle of wills, there'll be one winner examples to the contrary notwithstanding :beer:
  13. Dec 14, 2011 Jan 4, 2012 Mar 19, 2012
  14. Fisher


    Hear! Hear! I've discovered a wealth on information on the subject here, and people willing to help apply it here. And so will you. Be welcomed. Thanks for posting your tank photo. It looks like a great beginning. And the glass on the top right is a nice touch too Be sure to post your hex when the moving busyness dies down. f
  15. I'd go with Jorg's suggestion too. 10 snails is more than a token 6. ...and Jayba's white wine! But cream, flour and spices in the oven? I'd take snails over baked goo anyday.
  16. Unfortunately we are now surrounded in a world where people expect/crave immediacy Results implies effort; there was a day when that was collectively taught and colloquially understood. The immediacy I observe (and perhaps what you refer to) takes the path of least resistance, employing a different tool to achieve results. That condition isn't spontaneous; it's taught, learned and reinforced. Maybe I should've said that your photos inspire me becaue I like to see the fruits of my labor sooner than later. Time lapse photography demonstrates the result is, generally, worth the work. Happy New Year!
  17. Fisher


    Welcome! Tell us about your favorite tank and what's in it. Happy New Year to you too, from my family to yours f
  18. My 25g is 24" wide. I was looking for a 24" fixture to use these but it looks like I'm a decade too late.I appreciate the offer. I really do. But I'll pass. I hear that these bulbs will show up un the classifieds
  19. Thanks folks. Maybe I'll hunt around for a used fixture. DIY has crossed my mind. I'll see what EECOL has kicking around anyways.
  20. I was sifting through my tickle trunk and found 5 of these bulbs, ~22" long not counting the pins, 40W, 4100K. I see this style bulb in some LFS, but have yet to find someone who can tell me why I can't find fixtures for them on the shelf. Is this light bulb like the Betamax (c. 1980)?
  21. The same problem can occur when excessive pipe compound over-runs the leading threads of a fitting. If it does, simply wipe the ends before making the connection. uber-importantWhat for a bottle do you plan to use?
  22. Yes, priming hydraulic pumps of any kind can be a problem. I didn't run into any with this one though. IME it's a matter of technique.
  23. Someone once said, "Over thinking, over analyzing, separates the body from the mind." -05-Nice progression. Inspiring even for the likes of us me who wants to see immediate results yesterday. When you switched from the 2213 to the 2075, did you still locate the 2075 spray bar on the left side glass? Your plants are doing so well they hide the hard-goods
  24. My thanks to all who shared both feelings and facts on said topic. Yesterday I bought a used 2213. Admittedly, after looking at it, I just paid for it and said, "Thank you." I didn't even plug it in first (what a sap eh?) Brought it home, gutted and cleaned what I could, reassembled and ran H2O through it. I'll likely need new hose on the discharge end because I reckon it's cut too short for my tank. Otherwise, it's a fine specimen. Thanks for bringing me this far AquaClear!
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