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Everything posted by creekbottom

  1. At each new step you add a tank until you are well and truly infected with MTS!
  2. Go to aqadvisor.com It has a calculator, and many other wonderful things.
  3. Heavily planted!!! With a school of cories and a school of small tetras, as many as will fit!
  4. Bridgittae rasbora, or green rasbora, with a school of pygmy cories.
  5. http://edmonton.kijiji.ca/c-pets-accessories-Aquarium-Store-Move-Tanks-Sumps-Stands-Lights-W0QQAdIdZ498754673
  6. Haha, I never even thought of it that way. It was SGG responding so I just assumed you were talking about cories lol!
  7. I'm going with Bolivians because from what I've read so far, they are hardier than the other species of rams but still look really cool. I had considered Kribs, even some Apistos, but seeing as this is my first time keeping a fish like this I figured I would go with something tough... ish. And I don't want to be overrun with fry! I'm raising killifish right now, that's enough for me lol. If I'm only going with 2 does it really matter what sex they are?
  8. Yay!! Another "what to stock" thread. 30 gallon planted, fluval 304, sand substrate, T5HO lights, not sure about CO2 yet. I'm pretty sure I've decided on a school of Cardinal tetras - how many? Also a school of cories - how many of what kind? A pair of Bolivian rams. How do you get a pair? Are these also know as keyhole cichlids? If I get several in order to find a pair, what do you do with the extra fish? So that's my plan, cardinals, cories, and rams. With the Canadian Aquatics order coming to Edmonton I figure now is the time to get the cardinals and possibly the cories. So cory suggestions maybe coming from that list would be great! (hint hint) I'll wait on getting the rams, but if anyone has suggestions, please offer them.
  9. I've got them moved into a bigger box and have added an airstone, not sure about them but I'm happier! They are swimming more in this dish. I've got the microworm feeding down now I think, but I still don't know if the fish are actually eating. I never see them do anything when I drop worms in. They must be eating cause they are still alive, but... I don't know. Growth looks slow, they are still two black eyes with a tail!
  10. Oxypro is probably your best bet. Getting on their exchange program is a great idea because you never have to worry about having your tank hydro'd or expiring. Also, when you drop it off at the shop door you get to speak directly to the guy in the back, so you can ask him to give you a nice looking tank Although I doubt they have any shiny aluminum tanks in the exchange stock. When I called Praxair about a 5lb tank, the guy laughed at me; maybe he was having a bad day.
  11. I kind of doubt that those LED strip lights will have enough watts/light to keep plants alive.
  12. I don't think it's algae, it's that brown... stuff... that comes out of the tube after cleaning the filter. It comes out of my eheim and fluval filters.
  13. It's worth checking online to see if the big box store of your choice carries that line of paint. Not all of them do, I had to do some running around to find a can last time I was looking.
  14. I have killifish fry!!! Aphyosemion australe, only about 7 and man are they small! Apparently I need to learn how to hatch them better. They are about a week old now. I have them in a tupperware container with a large quantity of moss. I also have a microworm culture going. I change about 50% water everyday. I'm getting a film on the water surface, probably from the culture. What can/should I do about this? Should I be floating them in another tank? I don't want to dump them in a tank yet cause they'll get eaten by a filter. I also have NLS small fry starter, should I use this as well or just stick with the microworms for now? I don't actually know if they are eating the worms, I'm assuming since they are still alive but I don't know how much infusoria was in that moss either. I'll keep posting my questions here... and you keep answering them. DEAL!!!
  15. It was either vaseline, or that special plumbers silicone? I think that's what it was. That seemed to have fixed the problem.
  16. My 206 did that too when I first started it up. It would leak for a while then stop. I lubed the rubber seal and that fixed it.
  17. It shouldn't leak at all. I unplug my filters for maintenance on the tank all the time and leave the valve open. Sounds like it might need replacing. If it leaks when the water isn't running I would hate to find out that it leaks when the water IS running.
  18. Ugh, I dislike that place very much. What exactly is that curious smell? I thought Canadian tire didn't do that anymore?
  19. That's it, where do people with paintball systems go?
  20. Are you sure those are mercury beads? I would think they are lead or something similar because mercury should be liquid at room temp.
  21. And the killi eggs should arrive friday!!! This means a week of studying to keep them alive!
  22. Mr. grumpy pants betta got old and moved on. Now I have a 2.5 well planted tank that is only home to snails. What can I put in here? Not shrimp, not another betta. Is this big enough for a pair of Killi's? As an aside, I've got a large breeder box running on the back as a moss growing box, so the volume of water is almost doubled!
  23. How many killies do you have in the tank? I've been looking at getting some but they aren't really a group fish, are they? It would be nice to have more than 3 in a tank...
  24. Got a friend with a credit card and no trust issues? I just hate to see someone pay that much for a light, which is clearly way over-priced, IMO.
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