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Everything posted by Quetzalcoatl

  1. I know some people who got in trouble at work for posting work related issues on the internet. This is a new reality and I would advice you to be as discrete as possible regarding where you work and the issues there. I understand you are only trying to help, but corporations don't think the same way.
  2. I think many people are discouraged from posting due to fear of being banned, fear of internet bullying, fear of internet predators, fear of being labeled, fear to express themselves, fear of their own nature.... This not only happens on the internet but also in real life. Most people spend their days hidden in their homes scared from each other, just lurking through the windows..... :poo:
  3. For educational purpose or some sort of research I can see value on those little guys.
  4. When they banned them in the USA they forced owners to euthanize them. But the ban in the USA didn't work at all. Snakeheads are now stablished permanently there, they have become a precious game fish. Fishermen cannot catch and release, if they catch a snakehead they have to kill it.
  5. Oh, it has nothing do to with the thread, I just saw in the news that biologist are going to ask the federal government for a snakehead ban. I thought of leaving the website, but I have decided to euthanize my fish :cry: It will be very hard, but I just will do it and save me the trouble
  6. Hello, I want to delete my account but I cannot figure out how. If you can delete it please go ahead. Thank you.
  7. You will need a good lid, crayfish tend to be scape artists. I used to have a couple, then they disappeared from their tank. A few days later I found them in the basement dead. Their tank had a lid, but I assume they left by the filter hole. Also when they molt fish can rip them into little pieces and kill them with no problem.
  8. I don't know what is the genetic history of my endlers. I ignore if they are pure or mixed. The only thing I know is that they breed like mad. If you want a few breeding pairs I can give them to you for free during your next trip to calgary
  9. My endlers live with discus, danios, tetras, shrimp, minnows and snails.
  10. It is sad that many of our fish friends live in murky waters and cannot be observed in their natural environment. Otherwise, I would take a cruise to the amazons river
  11. That looks like a larvae of a tiger salamander, here is a video of one
  12. this are burbots and this is an amphiuma
  13. I have convicts they breed like mad, and nobody wants the babies anymore they are extremely aggressive, no other fish can have a happy life next to convicts, they spend their days fighting and breeding. If you were in Calgary I would give you a few for free.
  14. Wow, That is an awesome setup. You have done a great job. Very nice fish. I will have to join the DIY club and try to build my own tank. Thanks for sharing
  15. Wow that is a huge tank. I am considering 1000 gallon tank or so, who builded yours? and what is the approximated damage for a tank that big? :cry:
  16. I use their discus pellets, my discus are kind of shy and never eat if I watch them. I have seen them grazing for it, but more often I catch them hunting for endlers fry :cry:
  17. did you do anything special to motivate them to breed? and how big is your tank and the parents?
  18. Interesting decorations, lol. Good looking fish
  19. This is a bacterial infection caused by stress. is this guy being bullied? I would recommend to move it to a quarantine tank alone, raise temperature a little, peas and a bacterial treatment.
  20. Get discus, they don't bug small fish or adult shrimp. If discus are not showy to you then I am lost in this life However they are 6 solid square inches, or should I say discular inches
  21. oh cool To keep monster fish is awesome but you need tons of room and equipment
  22. what type of camera do you have? those pics are awesome
  23. are all those fish in only one 135 gallon tank? :cry:
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