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Everything posted by jeanie1978

  1. I believe someone here said that Angel Al had some Reds. Unsure of which variety of reds and he does sell them at Aquarium Central. Good Luck they sound amazing.
  2. Well if we're sharing I did have one die by non natural means more like cycle of life. Our second one was in a 3G acrylic hex tank in the livingroom and while we were gone one afternoon my very jealous large garfield type cat (who would turn up his nose at fish, I've had some strange animals LOL) decided to committed fish-a suide. He knocked the tank off the end table and squished the fish into the carpet. We can home to a watered carpet and a very flat intact fish and one very smug kitty. I guess the kitty didn't like that we interacted with the fish like we did with him.
  3. Plants: Another thing I've been testing out well is low lighted plants for the thrifty. I was looking around at different LFS for plants. When I started to piece out some of the equipment I had a eye opening experience. Looking at low light plants were another bit of an expense. I had almost gave up on plants in my tank. I sat down in my livingroom racking my brain when my eyes fell on my spiderplant. I had taken runners off it and were growing them in plain water to root them and thought why not try them. They were similar to the ones I had wanted (can't remember the name now) and definitely cheap. Poor old Goldfish was the first guinea pig. They survived for awhile in his little tank but started to mold quickly from the waste food. The Goldfish was gleaming and had no ill effects. To stop the moldering of the spiderplants I added a bubbler to the tank to create current. It worked beautifully. I tried it on my big tank (assorted tropical freshwater fish) and again, no ill effects and the fish loved it, especially my pleco. They stripped the plants down to its "skeleton" (which looked really neat) in areas but as long as the plant had good water movement it was fine even grew runners in tank. Best of all no special equipment or chemicals needed, grows well under ordinary lights and fish loved it. I have since also tried this with bamboo sticks from walmart. Bamboo required a good rinse and I kept it in a vase for a week, changing the water everyday to make sure it had no chemicals on it. Plecos and algae eaters loved the bamboo leaves most, the other fish preferred the roots. It will also regrow leaves and roots quickly (as long as you have a good current in your tank to keep the water moving. I use a proportionate length bubbler and H.O.B. filters) . I had a planted tank for super cheap, and no spikes to the levels in my tanks too.
  4. I ran my 140G with 2 x 200 watt heaters and it kept it at a steady 80 degrees. So something along those lines would work depending on what temperature you want to run it at.
  5. Severums, Uara, Green Terror's, Acara's from what I understand would be good tank mates, although they are a peaceful fish and the Severums might give it trouble. Apistos are peaceful as well and would probably work for awhile. As the Geo tend to get quite large and will eat anything that will fit in their mouths they might not work in the long run. Good luck restocking your tank.
  6. Nice set up. I definitely agree with the dwarf Gouramis, Betta, Dwarf Rams. I love my Dwarf Balloon Ram. A couple of bright swordtails, possibly the Orange Blossom type, nice bright red - orange, would look good or some Dwarf Rainbows. They flash beautifully under the lights. Glofish (brightly colored danios. You can get them in red/yellow/green/purple/ or the rare blue) or Gloline tetras.
  7. They are gorgeous all the same. When the light hits them they must flash beautifully.
  8. All I have to say is thank goodness we live in Alberta. That is just ridiculous, the man was a retired electrician. He knows how to set it up. why make him do more. I hope he can do something against those a$$hats.
  9. Sadly no. Three of us, superguppygirl, myself and another party (they were using them as feeder fish for their ivory head cichlids) bought guppies from her. All of us have come down with this problem of mystery deaths. Too much of a coincidence for it to be anything else.
  10. I have the same guppy problem (bought from same person) I have been scalding my nets and such so no cross contamination. I'm wondering how these little buggers aren't being caught by my UV strilizer as this is what it's supposed to kill. Any suggestions?
  11. Hopes her carpet dries out soon.

  12. Hopes her carpet dies out soon.

  13. So sad about the frog. If you do decide to get another one you can get several platforms that attach to the tank it's self (hooks or suction cups) to create levels within you aquasphere. They can look quite lovely if do it up with some small plants/deco. Hornwort doesn't like to stay grounded, possibly you could weigh some of it down with some smooth river stones (always boil first). I'm a big fan of Javaferns. Fishes can snack on the plants without much damage to them and they grow spinnerets off so they do replenish quickly. They have a good root system to stay under your substrate. Good luck
  14. Driftwood could be it. Type of driftwood and age could be release stuff into the water. Boil and bake might be what you need to get any organisms out of it.
  15. Do you have well water? If you do there could be some mineral content or parasite in it, harming the fish thats being missed by chemicals and testing.
  16. http://freshwater-aquarium-passion.blogspot.com/2010/08/camallanus-infection_06.html This blog gives dosage levels and a close up of the camallanus worms. Good Luck
  17. LOL don't mush the peas. they're more tempting in the round shape. I mushed the first time and it was an awful mess. Good Luck
  18. jeanie1978

    New To Aa

    Welcome Noot. Glad to have you here.
  19. I've heard to feed your fish flake or other dried food that has been soaked in glycerol or castor oil or medicinal paraffin oil to help remove the colon blockage that causes the constipation in your fish but I've never tried this myself so would be unsure of effects. Also with the peas are are you using non canned peas with the outer "husk/shell covering" removed?
  20. LOL My fish love the NLS although my community tank I almost swear they6 are flipping me off for feeding them the pellet version (NLS Spectrum Comm. F.F.). They sink way too fast for most of them but they do love it. Switched to flakes for them and yes I noticed the first few days I was feeding way too much, had the same scum appear on bottom. Reduce to a third of amount you were feeding originally. Stoped the pollution of my tank. Also since it is such a rich food the fish can/will gorge on it, especially guppies (lost a few as they literally burst from overeating). You can get the NLs spectrum pellets for surface dwellers. Half floats while half sinks. I found this works best with my cichlids.
  21. I had one live 8yrs. I kept in a 2g by himself with heat, low pressure filter and light. They are very responsive to light I have found, my were sluggish if I didn't have the light on for at least 6-8 hours. Human interaction I found is key as well, placing them where they could see us the most. i.e living room etc. Varying their diet with a good level betta only pellet mixed vegetable pellets, some blood worms and the odd spinach leaf (1-2 times a month). They were all local stores (pj's, walmart). Mine like to have a variety of resting places too, large smooth rocks, floating logs, a large flat leaved plant (plastic/real). Not sure if this help, good luck with them, they are certainly a beautiful fish.
  22. Has he had his levels checked or the fish. Sounds like a methemoglobin problem.
  23. *Growls* The Sherwood Park Family Pet Supercenter just made my list of Bad LFS. Rip off artists

  24. *Growls* The Sherwood Park Family Pet Supercenter just made my list of Bad LFS. Rip off artists

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