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Everything posted by Vallisneria

  1. Oh man,that is really not good He is still alive???
  2. I"m not sure if this is the best place to post this but i wasn't sure. I dont' technically have awhite worm culture going but i do a have a red worm composting container that has tosn of white worms in it. I was wondering what the bets way to get the white worms out of the dirt(compost) to use them. I asked before someone befor eand he said to place a piece of bread on the surface and that ina day or 2 the bread would be covered in worms and then jsut take out the bread. I tried this but it didn't work. Any other tips?
  3. Thought i would just share a bit about my 58g community tank. community tank I jsut recently took out most of my plants and addeda bunch of driftwood instead. I was tired of pruning and finally gave up on tryign to fight my BBA problem. So i just removed everything and started over. I have one marble angel columbian tetras,harlequin rasboras, zebra loaches,BN pleco, and REALLY fat SAE
  4. man, i waspissed last night. We went to the SNFU concert because we were supposed ot be on the guest list. Well they onyl put my friend Gen on teh list as the bouncers said htey were only allowed one person. So i couldn't get in. So we waited in line to get tickets.We were in the front of the line but the line never moved and they weren't selling anymore tix . Even people with tickets were still waiting outside at 10:30. There was something screwed up with the way they were runnign things. Even the drummer from the operators wasn't being allowed back in after he came out to chat with people in line. Its was so weeird. So we waited untill 10:30 hoping to get tix(they said if there was still room after getting all the poeple with tix in they would sell some more). But they never did so we jsut left. I have to say i was idssapointed with the way New city was handling things.They dont' seem' know how to run big concerts. WEll it seems everytime SNFU comes to town something goes wrong and i can't see them. I guess it isn't meant to be AS for what i use in my water, I use Prime(made by seachem)
  5. Yeha i tried once to make soem food using the regular knox gelatin but it wouldnt' set,had to throw the whole bunch away. Hopefully using the agar gel. will work better. Let me know how yours turns out and maybe i'll try your recipe.
  6. SO once you blend up teh bloodworms,brine shrimp etc. what are you going to do with it? Freeze it? dry it? When you made the homemade food with the gelatin did you jsut use regualr gelatin or that algae gelatin? I was thinking of making some of that european shrimp mix(but change up the ingredients a bit) with the algae gelatin(agar agar). Lots of people have made it over on the cichlid boards and were quite pleased.they said it wasn't messy
  7. Yeah she just gave me him for free.She was leaving to go to Banff for the summer and her parents didn't wa to take care of the turtle. She was telling people around campus that she needed to get rid of this turtle. My friend called me and said he had given my name to the girl(i dont' know why i had never really wanted a turtle) and the next day i picked him up. She even gave me what accessories she had and the tank. I built him a enclosure outside, so that is where he lives most of the summer(if its not too cold) and he comes inside during the winter. I now love him but it has been a long and expensive road to getting him back to health
  8. Yeah but buyig melafix and pimafix is very expensive(if you treat big tanks). making it is way easier and cheaper. PLus sometimes you dont' have tuse both so its a waste of meds if you mix them.
  9. Just thought i would tell you how to make homemade melafix for anyone tha tdoesn't already know. I have used mine for over a year with great results. I took a 2l pop bottle and filled it with R.O. water(or distilled) then i added a 20ml bottle of melaluca oil(100% pure melaluca alternafolia). you need to make a 1% concentration(atleast that is what melafix is). make sure you shake it up relaly good before each use. I thought before i tried it that there may be a oil slick that developes on the surface of the tank but have never experienced this. By shaking well and havig surface aggitation there was never any oil on the surface. Hope this helps. I love it as i'm not stuck buying tiny bottle of expensive melafix to treat large tanks. Now if only i can make Pimafix.
  10. Thanks, I've had the turtle for about 2 years. He was a rescue from some girl that was going away for hte summer and had to get rid of him. He was very sick(still is a bit) when i got him as she kept him in horrible conditions. I wouldn't recommend a box turtle for our enviroment.They really should be kept outside as they dont' do too well inside unless you have a huge enclosure.I was lucky and got mine for free but if you were to buy him he would cost 800$(saw an adult at the petstore for this much) or juvies were 500$. When i saw this i couldnt' beleive,i never knew they were so costly. Right now He has parasites so i'm trying to get rid of those. Man, is it ever hard to find a vet that deals with reptiles. I have to go all the way to sherwood prak
  11. Thanks, As soon as my camera gets fixed i should have some new ones.
  12. Here are fe w pics of my Dog Barkley close up sleeping in the sun Here is my bunny Gimpy Gimpy with his security blanket Here is my turtle Petry you looking at me?
  13. Lab.perlmutt Female red empress My 90g african tank One of the first pics i took of my male ram amano shrimp I"ll post a few more later
  14. I haven't had any problems
  15. I like saulosi also,althought i haven't kept them yet.
  16. NIce pic I have found that you get better color of rams(atleast when i take pics of my ram) if you turn of the room lights,use no flash and put tons of lighting on top of the tank.Plus using a tripod never hurts when trying to get a nicely focused pic. Once i get my photo transfered to a new hosting site i should be able to post some of my first ram pics too.
  17. Very nice, I love the rocks. Looks very natural
  18. yes i know you can get it from kenfish.com. How much did it cost to buy it and have it shipped?
  19. How much did it cost to order this stuff and have it shipped here? I would be interested in trying some but dont' want to have to pay lots of get such a tiny amount shipped.
  20. I dont' think they make a 30" black back ground but they do make one in a rock design(i have this on my african tank)
  21. How do i use the URL tag? I have just been using the IMG tag(button). So if i use a URL tag it should work with shutterfly?
  22. Where was the reunion show? i think i may have gone.
  23. PHoto bucket works. I just dont' like the format they use. PLus all my pics are already uploaded to shutterfly. How come shutterfly works at every other site i visit but not his one? I got an error saying somethign about a .gif ending
  24. Great if doors are at 9 then i should be able to go and not miss the operators and SNFU(assuming they are playing second and third). Does anyone remember the Clones? they were a great band a few years ago. I also like the cleats and Les Tabernacles. ITs hard to remember all the names since i havent' been to see amyn lately.
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