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Everything posted by Vallisneria

  1. I picked it up after you had mentioned it to me and its a really great magazine. I like how it goes more in depth compared to most general aquarium mags and the pics are great too. :thumbs:
  2. Fancy or modified fish have always creeped me out, especially those weird eyed goldfish.
  3. Another point with the tables might be seller participation. Will the sellers want to sit there at their tables all day? I know I wouldn't. With the auction you just drop your stuff off before 10am and you're good to go. A lot of the sellers don't stick around all day.
  4. I think I saw some at Aquarium central the other day
  5. Never had the issue you described. How did it crack? Did you bump it, drop it or clamp the lid on weird? Contact RENA and see if they will replace it since its only 3 months old.
  6. Thanks I'll check out the water bed thing. Otherwise I might just buy a plastic python piece and then get a brass quick connect thing for the faucet. Tonight made me remember how much I love my python. I couldn't use it to fill my 90g back up so I had to use buckets. Definitely don't want to ever have to go back to those days.
  7. Well after 10years of faithful service the threading in my python finally gave out. I remember hearing people say they can buy brass fittings for it at Lee Valley, what exactly as I looking for when I go to the store? I need this part Couldn't find what I was looking for on the website but not sure i'm searching with the right terms Thanks
  8. I like Zebra loaches. They stay small and are peaceful. I always keep a group in my planted tanks.
  9. I agree with Jason, my angelfish does this all the time and he's not sick and the water is perfect. He just floats under the surface gulping the surface of the water like he's eating but there is nothing there. The angelfish I have now and all the ones previously have also done this. So if your fish doesn't look sick then its ok.
  10. Me too. I know some of my fish have disappeared in my planted tank but I've never found a body. Sometimes I find a skeleton but usually not. With having it heavily planted and a pleco, the dead fish usually gets eaten before i notice its even missing.
  11. Isn't it amazing how much difference just adding a background can make. A good background for smaller tanks is placemats from the dollar store. They come in a bunch of different colors, textures and can be fabric or plastic.
  12. You might have a couple issues with your setup. The temp is pretty cold for africans, it should be in the high 70*s(25-26*c). Also Brichardis can be very aggressive, especially when breeding. I'd be worried your newts will get picked on or have problems competing for food. But as for breeding bricharis, if you have a male and female they will eventually breed. They really aren't picky. You may have to remove the extra male once you see that the female has made her choice. They can start breeding fairly small(2") too. Just becareful as breeding brichardis are very aggressive and protective over their babies. They can have every other fish/newt kicked out of their territory and huddled in a corner.
  13. Next meeting will be April 3rd Allendale Community Hall 6330-105A St Time: 7:30pm Speaker: Luke Stevenson Topic: ? cichlids, conservation?
  14. I've kept plants in a rubbermaid or bucket until I needed them. I just put a light and a heater(my basement gets too cold without one). I didn't add anything for water movement but I did water changes every couple days. Worked fine
  15. Bleach dip, then scrub. Rinse the rock well and then let it sit in a bucket with some extra dechlorinator added to make sure all the bleach is neutralized. Works great
  16. Pretty good start :thumbs: If you're looking for some suggestions I'd say add some more plants and maybe a piece of driftwood or some other decoration to give a bit of height. Also a background would help cover up the cords and stuff in the back. Thats probably the easiest way to make a tank look nicer instantly. You can use anything from fabrics, papers, plastics, or those already printed with a picture backgrounds.
  17. Does Frank have a website or thread where he posts his stock and prices?
  18. Yep, I've had some issues with najas and excel. Also with elodea and vals. I have najas and elodea in my shrimp tank and every time I dose with excel my najas starts loosing its leaves and the elodea goes yellowy and dies. Thats at the regular dose on the bottle and even less.
  19. Rummy nose are nice fish but they do tend to stay in the middle/bottom, not so much the top. Also their schooling only lasts for so long. I have a group of them in my planted tank with angelfish. At first they schooled beautifully as they were scared of the angelfish. After about a month they stopped schooling as much and kind of broke off into smaller groups or just swim randomly around by themselves now. In my experience with different "schooling" fish is after a while of being in a tank they stop the behaviour, even with "predator" type fish swimming around. I've tried larger groups, different types of fish, and even with larger fish swimming around they always loose the schooling behaviour once they get used to the tank. Also in a smaller tank they don't always show their best schooling anyways. But Rummynose are gorgeous fish and look great in a planted tank anyways.
  20. In a planted tank: - do 50% WC and suck up as much BGA as you can - dose 2x KNO3 - black out 4 days - do 50% WC - dose 2x KNO3 - carry on as normal Yep, works great. A few years ago I had a bad cyano outbreak when I lapsed in caring for my planted tank. I tried maracyn and it didn't work too great, still had some cyano and it came back.Plus I had some fish deaths from it. Tried the black out and it worked perfectly. The cyano hasn't returned!
  21. Good to know as I know they can be hard to find. I also use them for my co2 :thumbs:
  22. Probably prefer cooler temps too
  23. Thats a great idea. Thanks for the link
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