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Everything posted by Fish_Frenzy

  1. I have had just about every kind of Angel there is and have never had compatibility issues until a few started to pair up. Currently I have Chocolate, Golds and Silver Angels together and other than breeding, they all get along just fine. Try to get them all about the same size though. Tammy
  2. LOL! I picture Connie walking really fast yelling to Mike...."start the car! start the car!!!" hehehe (Ikea commercial) Too funny! And what a steal Connie! Just watch for him/her to start "whiskering" the Angels...drove mine nuts and had to move my bigger loaches (I have a few at that size too). They really stressed out my Angels. Tammy
  3. I like the idea of shrimp and baby guppies...then she can watch them grow up. If you go with cherry shrimp, they will breed and all little girls love babies! Tammy
  4. I have a Ruby Nerite Snail in my 5G with a betta and a ADF and the snail is an algae eating machine! I have a ton of Mystery Snails and I have yet to see them eat algae...they much prefer flake food or wafers or veggies. Tammy
  5. I have mine in a 10G with black sand and lots of plants (java moss, vals, wisteria etc) and they are doing really good. I just changed out tanks for them a few days ago (had way too many snails!) I had 2 deaths but I think they were just old. Lots of shedding going on since I changed tanks too. I have a small AC on their tank with some AC sponge over the intake to keep them safe. Tammy
  6. Yes but the shipping is high and only going to Edmonton Tammy
  7. Well, thanks to Shai, I have treated all the fish that had Callamanus and it seems to have worked. I medicated Dec 14 and have done 90% water changes since the day after treatment. I haven't lost any fish yet although their appetite isn't what it was prior to treatment. I bleached every net and bucket in the house and the buckets & etc that I now use just for the affected fish gets bleached between uses. Thanks again Shai for lending me some meds and all those who offered advice. :thumbs: Tammy
  8. Update. I now have about 100+ baby mystery snails (hatched last night) What do I feed them? Crushed flake? Algae wafer? I have them in a plastic container in water about an inch or so deep. Thanks in advance Tammy
  9. Shai, you don't have to age water for Rams...just keep it around 80-82F and they will be fine. The aquarium itself needs to be set up for at least 6 months as Rams can be sensitive to fluctuations. I have Rams in a 50G with an Angel and some Green Eye Rasboras and a few juvy Clown Loaches and they get WC with regular Calgary tap water and Aqua Plus of course, once a week and they are doing great. Tammy
  10. I did bleach buckets, nets, even the gravel vacs. Soaked them in a bucket of very hot water and bleach for an hour then rinsed with very hot water a few times, then ran cold water until I couldn't smell the bleach any more. I decided to stick them outside for the night. If bleach, heat and cold don't kill the little buggers, then I am in trouble! Tammy
  11. Gorgeous Rays Tim! What's the diameter on them? Do you still have Rosie?? Now that is an awesome ray! Tammy
  12. I had a breeding pair of Convicts in a 20 gallon for over a year (and thousands of babies) without any issues. Ok, actually my one issue was fry overload! Just gave them a piece of slate, half a flower pot, some gravel and a few fake plants (tried live plants but they didn't make it thru the "remodeling" the male did on a daily basis!). Tammy
  13. Do you have more than one? He could be bored or lonely as they are a very social creature. I keep mine at 80-82F. If he doesn't pick up, try a water change. Tammy
  14. If you feed frozen bloodworms or mysis shrimp, soak some of the pellets in the blood/juice. And yes, definitely feed the new food first before giving their regular food. My Discus don't care for pellets much but they love H2o stable wafers...If you can get one interested, they all have to try. Tammy
  15. Shai, you are my hero! Pm sent. :smokey: Tammy
  16. Thank you all for being very helpful, unfortunately, I'm unable to afford to purchase the meds needed. Just don't have the cash as I was off work for 3 weeks due to pneumonia, and I am behind on everything as a result, then the car decided it needs a new seal or head gasket thingy or something like that..it's on the list too! I will buy the meds as soon as I can afford it. I appreciate everyone's help with this, you have been great! Tammy
  17. Well, I managed to get my hands on some Clout as that is what a few people have recommended to me as it is still (though harder to get than it used to be) available in Canada. I have read as much as possible (think my eyes are about to fall out) about callamanus and the use of Levamisole (which is what I really want but cannot get locally) and Clout is said to be for external parasites, ich, flashing and parasitic copepods...so here goes... GULP! Tammy
  18. Wow....you don't know how hard it is to track down something like this until you try... I have made 24 calls this morning starting at 9am and have gotten absolutely nowhere! I have called vets (one in calgary will treat the fish...but wants $65 bucks to see it!), vet compounding dispensaries, UFA, feed mills, pfizer...the list goes on! Actually, the vet compounding dispensary will order it in...at about $60 for 5 grams. I just can't afford that... This sucks. I have the affected fish in 3 separate tanks...there were alot of fish. tank #1- just females tank #2- moved the males into my mystery snail tank tank #3- moved babies into my amano shrimp tank the questions I need answered are... If I move the amano shrimp in with my cherry shrimp, will the amano shrimp carry the callamanus? Do shrimp get callamanus? Where to put the mystery snails (and their eggs)? Can I put them in a betta bowl (no betta of course) for a few days? They are air breathers... so I wouldn't need a filter right? What do I use to clean any nets, buckets etc that were used on those tanks? I soaked them overnight in a strong solution of vinegar and very hot water already. Tammy
  19. Does anybody in Calgary have any Levamisole Hydrochloride I could buy? I recently picked up some fish and they have Callamanus. They are quarantined ( will have to move some shrimps though). Tammy
  20. I also have 4 Angels in my 75G, there is 1M and 3 female and they get along pretty well..a bit of chasing during breeding but nothing too bad at all. I have Cories, Yo-yo Loaches, Otos, Dwarf Gouramis, Praecox Rainbows and a few 6 inch Kuhlis in with the Angels. It is heavily planted also. Angels are much easier to keep happy than Discus...Angels can have tap water treated with prime or aqua plus, and they can have the water a bit cooler too 78-79F. Angels will eat almost anything (including small tankmates that fit in their mouth), Discus can be picky with food... Are you doing a fishless cycle? If you aren't, I would definitely not use Angels or Discus to cycle your tank. Hope this helps. Have fun! Tammy
  21. Awesome, thanks Christian! :thumbs: Tammy
  22. Ok, I picked up 2 Mystery Snails-a blue and gold- not that it matters lol. Anyways, they have mated and laid eggs...where they should be, above the water line. Question is, do I have to mist the eggs? Can I just leave them alone? There is humidity as the glass is damp looking where the eggs are, they get a bit of spray from the bubbles from the sponge filter. I never expected to pick 2 snails and end up with a male and a female...thought I would have to get 6 or so lol! Tammy
  23. I am no expert on dwarf cichlids, in terms of starting your tank I would use the sponge filter and all the decorations/gravel/water from the 5 gallon, should give you lots of starter/seed bacteria Thanks so much for the reply, I will try that this weekend. Would you guys use sand or finer sand for a dwarf setup? Are there any filter recommendations? There is a good selection of fish you can add to a tank containing a Ram. I have had Angels, Rasboras, Clown Loaches(juvies), Cardinals, BN Pleco, Cories, asst'd Tetras etc. You can use whatever appeals to you for substrate (sand or gravel). Cories and loaches love sand but the downside is, plants don't root well in sand. I like a mix of sand and small gravel...it looks more natural than just sand. As for filters, I use mostly Aqua Clear filters though alot of people swear by cannister filters, Aqua Clear is easy to clean and maintain ( especially if you are kinda new to the hobby) Hope this helps you out a bit! :thumbs: Just my 2 cents Tammy
  24. Just thought I would post this here as it is for a good cause. :thumbs: WANTED: Rift Lake Cichlids The Calgary Zoo is in the process of stocking two large aquariums for a new display (800 and 650 gallons). They are looking for donations of any variety of Rift Lake Cichlids (Malawi and Tanganyika, adults or fry) to add to the display. Please contact Les Stegenga for further information, work: 294-7660, or email: LesS@calgaryzoo.ab.ca. Thank you!
  25. I have a few different Sword plants, Anubias do really well as do Java fern etc. I am experimenting in one tank right now and water wisteria is growing like a weed lol. None of the vals have worked. That's about all I have tried in the warmer water. Tammy
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