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Everything posted by Psylant

  1. They looks like herbies to me. They mixed the location and latin name up. They're from lake tebera, but they're called Melanotaenia herbertaxelrodi. I'm no expert though!
  2. Yes they did. They said they ship lots of plants to Canada and things usually arrive fine. Also, beware that most of the plants are grown emersed. I ordered one of the 120 packs. Even if 90% of it dies it's still cheaper than ordering from elsewhere.
  3. Just reading up on that wiki5858 seller, and the feedback on the plant "packs" seems to be pretty reasonable. Ebay is tricky though because you can't tell how far those plants had to travel to their final destination. The price is right though......Funny thing is I have had a lot of people say not to buy on ebay for aquarium plants due to stringent customs requirements. I have yet to have a problem though? So I guess the choice is yours. At least buying that way I guess you are paypal protected? I have been considering a purchase through this wiki seller so I may go ahead with it after the weekend, I will let you know how I make out. I contacted the seller to ask if they grow the plants emersed or submersed and how likely the plants are to survive shipping. I'm probably going to order the 120 pack of foreground plants...
  4. Why didn't I have an aquarium at my school!?!?! Let alone a 580g!
  5. I got my java ferns and anubias from malaysia. They don't really carry foreground plants though.
  6. Has anyone ordered plants from Poland off ebay? "wik5858" has a lot of foreground plant packages for cheap...
  7. Thanks! Does anyone have any cuttings or plants they want to give away or sell? I'm going to place an order online soon if I can't find anything locally!
  8. I like that one. 4 lead clovers for everyone
  9. Not sure about the Planted+ light, but the Ray II, as jvision said is great.
  10. Haha. Nope! I'm even considering "planting" the 450g a bit after the bruisers move out! Java fern and anubias on the wood I'm thinking... hope the puffer leave them alone!
  11. Thanks for the suggestion. I just looked up dwarf sag and it looks pretty nice.
  12. I've had some plants in my 90g for a couple of years but nothing too serious. I just ripped everything out and dirted the tank on Friday. It's clearing up now (I had to add a lot more sand than before to cap it, and made it cloudy). The fish seem to be enjoying themselves, sparring and courting one another. -90g tank -Finnex Fugeray II 7k LED -Dirted substrate capped with 1+" of pool filter sand -AC110 + fluval 405 for filtration -2 pairs of Aytinjo, 3 pairs of lucustris, 3 pars of herbertaxelrodi, 3 SAEs, 3 various cories, 3 Roseline sharks, ramshorn snails, and one albino bristlenose pleco -Various types of anubias, java fern, some type of bacopa, jungle val, some type of rotala and amazon sword That being said, does anyone have some foreground plants they can recommend that do not require CO2 and will thrive under my current conditions? Does anyone have some for sale or trimmings they don't want? The further south in the city you live the better as I'm in Okotoks! Here's a picture about 5 hours after completing all the messing around! . And a video too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJOMERUMd90&list=UUv736meij1aHHim4wkscCqQ
  13. He's only got about 40% of the tank for now, but it shall soon change once the other inhabitants find good homes. It's plenty of room in the mean time though!
  14. Here are a couple video of the Mbu I picked up 2 weeks ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRy7epsDzQk&list=UUv736meij1aHHim4wkscCqQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETUlF7mcWzY&list=UUv736meij1aHHim4wkscCqQ
  15. I used them when I built my DIY LED rig. They provide a pretty nice product but it wasn't cheap.
  16. Just to be extra sure no one does this... you don't silicone acrylic. Use weldon to bond the silicone panels together permanently. A 300 gallon glass is still pretty easily movable if you ask me. Just get a few buddies to help and you'll be ok. 4 guys should be able to do it no problem! Especially if you can borrow/rent a few really strong suction cups from a local tank maker.
  17. You'd need to use some pretty ridiculous lighting lol. I don't think there will be any live plants in the tank. Many of the cichlids I keep are omnivorous, and the clown loaches would definitely mess with them too lol. I have a 90g for my planted needs.
  18. Yep, It makes it look pretty small. Haha.
  19. Thanks Neil Here ya go jeremoose! That's a 180g for comparison, in the back.
  20. The deed is done! Mission successful! I think.... Water test will determine that one later on I guess. Thanks to the 2 people who offered to help. Too bad the timing didn't work out! It took 5 people to get it done. Thankfully I had a very strong friend assist me. Without him we would've been doomed. Mitch's suction cups were also critical! I will probably create another thread soon for this build. Stay tuned!
  21. Aye, ditto Well... The company didn't show up. Again. If by chance either of you (and anyone else reading this) would like to help on WEDNESDAY at 2PM I have the tank builder (Mitch from Bow Valley) coming to move the tank, along with the seller. As of right now, There are only 4 people helping. Myself, the seller, Mitch, and his coworker. Mitch has all the suction cups and tools required. I would truly appreciate any help that anyone could provide. I realize that 2pm on Wednesday is the worst timing possible for most people, including myself. The tank is being moved from Evergreen in Calgary, to my home in Okotoks. I will try to help anyone who helps move this in the future with whatever they need. The more people the merrier! I'm not the strongest guy around, that's for sure.
  22. Latest update: The seller of the tank called the SAME moving company I tried to use initially, to make amends. It's "happening" at 10am tomorrow. Can you tell that I'm a little sceptical? I tried to refuse this idea, but the seller assured me it would be okay. I'm out of options at this point. The tank is paid for (I paid the day before the movers were supposed to move it) and he won't take a refund even with a fee. I can't blame the seller, he's been great to work with and needs the tank gone. He's leaving on vacation soon and needs the space in his garage. My options at this point are to: attempt this for less than half the price of the next lowest quote, forfeit my money to the seller, or have it moved for a lot more $$$ and then be unable to set it up. This is perhaps the most stressed out I have ever been. I almost threw up earlier lol. Wish me luck!
  23. I may attempt this in the future when I know a few members at least haha. I intend on being a member here for a long time now that I know it exists. I tried to do this with my friends but they scattered like rats when they heard how big it was, They helped with my 180g last time around and thought that was heavy enough lol.
  24. Big Als said they don't have enough movers to do it. Seems like this isn't going to happen now...
  25. This may not be a bad idea which I didn't even think about. I gave them a call and am waiting a reply back. Thanks! Jay's told me "We're not interested" like most of the other companies I've called. Sounds like you went through quite the ordeal. I'm glad your tank is ok at least! Thanks for the comment.
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