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Everything posted by lemonaidjay

  1. Has anyone here raised fry from these. Reason I ask is I was wondering if the fry show the three spots right away or do they have to grow out some before they show ?
  2. If your looking at south Americans my vote would be for green terrors. Cool fish with great attitudes. Plus I have juveniles for sale to. Lol.
  3. I am thinking he is a Metriaclima estherae (Red) http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/species.php?id=1730
  4. Texas cichlids and yes there there fry are under them.
  5. I think or at least in my experience no matter how you stock your tank there will always be a trouble maker. Over stock over filter and lots of hiding spots is key. I have found that using my qurantine tank as a sort of time out tank works well to. Worked for making my kenyi fit in.
  6. Well I found out after taking over 200 pictures I need a better camera and better skills. Lol here is a few good ones.
  7. They are growing up still in that tank. Good parents.
  8. Quick video of my cichlid display tank.
  9. I won the Banded bichir and one of the groups of yellow regal peacocks. Great auction can't wait for the next one.
  10. Sweet thanks. I wonder if they are a slow grower ? Mine seem to be staying at the 4" mark.
  11. need some help to figure out what type of cichlid this is ?? Thanks for your help .
  12. Thanks for the advice guys. One more question where should I put the plants. First part with the sock or second part ? I all so forgot to say the tank is drilled and in the overflow I have bio balls working as a wet dry.
  13. Need some advice for my sump set up I know there is room for improvment so any help would be great. The sump came with my tank it is a 60 gallon sump that i run on my 230 gallon tank . This is not my only filter for this tank I have an FX5 on the tank as well. mostly I am wanting to know about media placement. I have included a picture of how the sump is set up . I am wondering if I should add plants or sand to the center ? Please take a look and let me know what you think. PS the two center slide in partitions have no partitions in them.
  14. I've been looking for info on this thanks. Now to pick the right camera.
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