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Manitoba Member
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Everything posted by dpaul

  1. That's great!! When I first read 3240 gallons, I though for sure it was a typo I'd love to see some pictures of the tank/fish... David
  2. I use Sifto water softening salt...it's 99.8% pure..... for the amount of salt you would be using in an aquarium .2 to .4 of a % is so small as to be almost indetectable...that's 2 - 4 1/1000ths!!! I've used that type of salt for years(not nearly as much since I stopped keeping discus) and I know dozens of discus keepers that also use it, and it's safe...And at a few $$ for a 20kg bag, you've pretty much got a few years supply minimum...David
  3. go here: CCA and look in the trade section-his name is Spencer, and his ad is at the top of the page... or here: cichlaholics David
  4. There's nothing wrong with a difference of opinion...Some people are downright rude about it...Discussions start and people start attacking other people, under the guise of "protecting other hobbiests"...I don't think the negativity does anything to further the hobby...and like you said, how do you seperate valid complaints from people that just don't like other people...You can't...So it should be up to the Admin(s)...Any of the negativity/rudeness could very easily be dealt with via email so the rest of the forum doesn't have to read it...Just my opinion, and I'm sure many would disagree.. David p.s. I have no interest in voting on anything-I just come here to read about other people's fish, check out some interesting pictures, and maybe learn something new..If it's not a fun/positive place I just won't visit as much..
  5. I don't think voting is necessary at all..If someone is being disruptive/disrespectful, and doesn't smarten up after a couple suggestions to "cool it", boot their a** permanently...Don't even let it drag on for a while... David
  6. dpaul


    Check the Buy and Sell...you might find someone selling for cheap...I have.. David
  7. that's really neat!! David
  8. not yet they aren't.. So far it's just a guess(by a few people) that they are male and female...They are behaving alot like my discus used to when they were pairing up and wanting to spawn,(cleaning breeding area, shuddering, lip-locking, etc) but so far no luck David
  9. It would be even better if you could get someone from the store to post fishlists...I've got a small forum based out of Winnipeg, and I set up an area for the fish-manager at one of the local stores to post specials, cool/new fish lists, and basically just network with people to see if he can find hard-to-find fish for them...It's been great, and win/win for everyone...
  10. With the Canadian $$ up above $0.80 right now it's even cheaper...I've ordered from them a few times, and even with heavier items(more weight=more money for shipping) I came up way ahead...Something else to think about: It's not necessarily a bad thing to support your local LFS...It would sure suck if we had to order EVERYTHING including fish from mail-order, not to mention it's nice to have someone that'll take extra fish/fry and give you a store credit D.
  11. "L#'s" are used to describe the many different types of plecos...for example Queen Arabesque is L260, Hypancistrus Zebra is L046...there's a section on PlanetCatfish.com called the "cat-elog" where they list all the different L#'s David
  12. Do you know which L# it is?? David
  13. They were a trade in to the LFS I frequent...They've been there for a couple weeks and I've been admiring them..Mainly because they're very nice looking and have not one trace of HITH... I took a bunch of angels in for store credit today, and I couldn't fight it anymore...lol..So they came home with me today-I've got them in a 70 gallon tank by themselves...They're Albino Ruby oscars...D.
  14. How big is that L128?? I have 4 small ones...a pic..D. Actually mine was sold as L200 and is greener, while your's seem's to look more blue...
  15. dpaul


    Sorry to read about your loss... ...and glad there wasn't more extensive loss and damage... David
  16. brownwater for now-it goes in clean and comes out tea-colored from the driftwood... D.
  17. Smokey, I've HAD the angels for a little over a year...3 are wild scalares, and one is F1 from some sort of wild spotted angel..My guesstimate is that they were probably 6 months to a year old at least when I got them..They've grown CONSIDERABLY... I have many tanks and I don't have ONE with gravel...I also don't have nearly the troubles that many others seem to have with illness<---not bragging about it-just happy to be able to say it David
  18. I just finished moving the contents of my "Planted 40 gallon" to an 80 gallon...I got a new lighting fixture with twice the amount of wattage(still not alot, but I keep "low-light" plants) The reason I have "Planted" in quotations, is I have no substrate-they're all attached to driftwood(anubias, java fern, and some house plant clippings hanging in the tank that have been growing like crazy)...I used to keep discus-guess those "bare-bottom tank habits" die hard A Picture: David
  19. A few dozen-they're difficult to count accurately... Some are already accounted for, and some need a little growing time yet before I'd want to sell them...I don't have large enough numbers at this time to supply a store, just been selling to a few hobbiests so far, and taking to Aquarium Society auction...David
  20. $18!!! I've got some regular bristlenose- I'd be willing to ship some in your direction overnight post if you don't find any closer...they're about 3/4 of an inch to 1 inch...$4 each...shipping would be somewhere btwn $12-20... David
  21. Unfortunately I'm in Winnipeg...But I have shipped as far as Saskatoon a couple times(the last time was via expresspost and they did fine in the box for 26 hours), and there's always Oxquo's idea of a hobbiest exchange program across provinces.. If you're just after bristlenose,(those are the only plecos I have breeding right now) probably best to find a hobbiest near you rather than go to extra trouble.. David
  22. Yeah I really like them...I've got a pair of L183, and they don't look nearly as sharp as these fish do.. David
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