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  1. LOL!!! I've also wondered what that waterfall noise was...as seconds later it dawned on me, the panic seized and I ran to the tap to turn it off and reverse the Python's flow as fast as I possibly could! And here's the worst: I've done this more than once! Now, I put a timer on and set it for short time intervals to remind me to check on the refilling progress. Let me tell you, water going over the edge of about 20 linear feet of tank makes for an impressive reminder of the task at hand.
  2. Well I'm no expert, but I've been running similar Mh bulbs to the one you describe about 10 inches above my glass tops, without a fan, without issue. The glass is regular glass and don't I know it 'cause when I dropped a piece recently, it shattered into several long nasty sharp shards (not into little "cubes"). Anyhow, I can't say that I've ever noticed the glass get unbearably hot... Hope that's somewhat helpful.
  3. Well here's an update... I've been keeping the water EXTRA clean and my discus has started eating again...still a bit skittish, but not hiding out anymore. The eye still looks just as bad, but I'm taking these "reversals" as a good signs. We'll see what happens!
  4. HmgBrd

    FX5 PUMP

    Heck, does anyone know of any used FX5s for sale in Calgary?
  5. HmgBrd

    FX5 PUMP

    I'm thinking of getting one for my 240 Gal 'cause I just can't seem to keep the CO2 level up: I figure that all the water movement from the travel down the overflows, pipes and into the sump is the culprit. My 5lb CO2 canister just can't keep up. (I'm going to cut some glass bits and silicone those overflows shut!!!) Geez, on my 75 with a 2L DIY yeast CO2 maker and a Fluval canister, I had to trim the plants every week or I coudln't see the fish!!! So has anyone shopped the best Fluval FX5 prices for Calgary recently?
  6. I asked and I'm told (?!) that the water change was done about half way through my absence. The fish were fed by a neighbour, but guessing from comparing the amount of frozen food before departure and after my return, they didn't eat everyday for sure. So although they might have been a bit hungry, at least excess food didn't foul the water. Anyhow, I'm at a loss. My best guess is that the water conditions were less than perfect which lead to stress which lead to my fishie succumbing to some parasite/bacteria/nasty bug that was just around but that woudln't have been problem is everything else was as it should have been. So I'll take your advice and quarantine for now...I don't see any other symptoms (apart from not eating now) to clue me into what might be the problem. So no meds since I don't know what to give. What's the miracle cure? Anyone else got any takes on this mystery?
  7. I've got a 3.5" pigeon blood discus that has developped significant pop eyein the last 10 days or so. Here's a bit of history: I've been away for 5 weeks and had a friend do 1 major water change in my 240 Gal. in my absence. Who knows what the water parameters might have been while I was away - although I suspected not all that bad since when I tested the water upon my return (nearly the first thing I did when we arrived at 1am after 32 hours of straight travelling!), nitrates were at about 10-15 ppm (of course, no amonia or nitrites). Anyhow, I figured it could not have been off-the-scale kinda bad. So I just went back to my routine maintenance and nitrates have since been no higher than 10ppm. Everything else in within the usual normal parameteres. Anyhow, I didn't notice any cloudy eye or other symptoms before noticing the protrusion in the one eye. Otherwise the fish appears healthy (no emaciation, visible flukes or lesions, etc.), and until today it was eating and acting rather normally. For the last 2 dats, its been hiding out (signs of stress I think) and skittish so hasn't been coming out to eat I understand that the condition is caused by either swelling or a build-up of fluid behind the eye. My fish disease diagnostic book suggests that it can have a number of causes ranging from poor water conditions (the usual culprit, but I think unlikely here) through to parasites, bacterial infection, fungus infection or vitamin deficiency (I also doubt this - they eat homemade food including beef heart, liver, shrimp, fish, spirulina, spinach (etc) - these guys eat better than me - as well as blood worms, brine shrimp, etc..). With such a wide assortment of possible causes and no clear indication what the problem might be, I'm at a loss where to start regarding treatment. I'm hoping someone who has exprienced this problem might have some insight or sugestions on how to tackle. I've got to say I'm almost loathe at this stage to try and get te fish out of the main tank as I've often concluded that this causes additional stress that leads to a quicker demise. On the other hand...I've got another 11 discus, clown loaches, cardinals, etc, to think of. My book suggests that if the problem is evironmental conditions, an improvement in water quality may allow the affected fish to get better and let the sweling go down. Yikes! Any thoughts? Please?
  8. HmgBrd

    Fluval FX5

    Called them today since I now decided to get one - I was told they are out of stock. Should have jumped on Boxing day when I first found out about this smoking deal! Live and learn I guess!
  9. For what its worth, I've got about 40 large-ish cardinals in a 240 gal planted along with 12, 4-5" Discus, without issue. I've also kept cardinals with a about 8 breeding-sized angels in a planted 75 without problems. They make a really nice combination in my opinion.
  10. HmgBrd

    New to AA Hello

    Welcome to AA! Whatever you land on in terms of what to house in your new tank, I highly recommend the "Fishless Cycling" method to get you tank ready for its new inhabitants. I just got a new 240 Gal. (yeah!) which I managed to fully cycle in just under 2 weeks! That was a first in my experience! I put all the new fish in now without incident. I got the instructions on how to do this from AA...just do a search.
  11. Just some algae-eating shrimp. Plants were delayed a week, and should have been in today, but will not be in until next Wednesday. More zebra snails and live blackworms in today (Wednesday) afternoon. Do you know what variety? Are they Caridina japonica (aka Amano Shrimp)? Do you also know how big they are now and\or whether you tnink they might survive in a planted 240 gal with Discus? It would be my first experience with shrimp. Any guidance would be apreciated.
  12. Yup! Its my "Dream Tank" about to become reality... At some point, I plan on adding to the fish community. Perhaps another 30-50 cardinals (for that WOW effect), another 2-4 discus to round the numbers out and certainly some Cherry Shrimp. Right now though, I'm seriously planning the design aspects of plants/decor. Those Takashi Amano books are a real inspiration !
  13. I've just receently found AA's site and am delighted to say I've now become a member! I've in fact already made good use of the Sale section and have reached a deal to acquire my next tank...a 240 gallon! I'm not new to the hobby although am a more recent "transplant" to Calgary (I've been here for about 3.5 yrs now). Love the city and don't plan on going anywhere else soon... My current tank is a 75 gal freshwater with 11 Discus, 8 Clown Loaches and 30 or so Cardinals as well as a few other unusual odds and sods. Before getting there, I've also kept a number of SW and FW tanks. My current interests lie with the planted aspect and I hope to find some colleagues who might want to swap/sell/buy vegetation. More on that to come... Anyhow, hi to all! HmgBrd
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