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Everything posted by Fishnut

  1. Currently breeding: Nimbochromis Venustus
  2. Is it possible he is a she and may be holding?
  3. At first the amount caught me by surprise. I would guess 50+ anyways.
  4. My Venustus have spawned. The female was holding 1.5 to 2 weeks and while moving her to her own 25g she spit her fry. She is now in the 25g with her fry. My question is will she and fry be ok together or will she eat her fry. They are the only fish in this tank.
  5. It looks more fish like and I'm not sure how shrimp would have gotten in there. I did, now that I'm thinking about it, have 5 albino tiger barbs in there for a short temporary time. They were taken out about 3 days ago. Could they have layed eggs? How big and what size are they're fry? I've never had anything other than cichlid or guppy fry before.
  6. I just noticed something interesting in my snail only tank. Besides my apple snails there is a small transparent critter swimming up and down the tank sides that looks like it has reflective eyes. It is only about 1/8th of an inch in size and I'm wondering if anyone has any idea what it is?
  7. They are in a bag with O2 added and are ok so far. If something happens and I don't leave the city by noon I will let them go in the aquarium and get them next time I'm out this way.
  8. I bought 2 albino bn plecos today thinking I was heading home but have been held overnight. They are floating right now but I'm wondering if they will be fine in bag overnight or if we should just release them and hope for the best and catch and bag them again tomorrow. Advise please.
  9. Yes, that's what he said, can't wait to see them.
  10. How much are you selling them for? I'm in Cranbrook too.
  11. I had my brother pick me up some snails, now I have to figure out how to get them here.
  12. Wow, lots of good ideas. Thanks everyone!
  13. I'm just curious what kind (size & type) of homes people keep their bettas in?
  14. I'm just curious to know what others are paying for fish in LFS in other areas. Specifically African Cichlids (Frontosa, Yellow Labs, Kenyi etc.) My area seems to be priced through the roof! (Fish at 1 1/2 in to 2 inches.)
  15. I think I give up, it's painful. Worse than trying to figure it out we can only get dial-up where I live. Slow Slow Slow. I'm trying to find out if one of my cichlids is a Kenyi to a Blue Zebra and if my Venustus is a male or female. Is there any way I can id them without someone seeing a pic?
  16. I have the kodak software but can get pic's from my album there to here.
  17. I have never put a picture on here before and am looking for some idiot proof instructions. Can anyone help me?
  18. To my horror my 5 inch yellow lab was missing from my tank several days ago. After much investigation and thanks to a small hole I found him stuck in one of those great big shells (the ones you listen to the ocean in). He followed the swirls all the way to the middle and was wedged. I jiggled him and used water to try to wash him out with no luck. So out came the shell and through the small hole I tryed to gently help him along, again, no luck. Next was chipping away the shell. It wouldn't break. All the time over about 1/2 hour dipping in the tank to let him breath. After that with a fish that appeared to be dead I decided to recover the body and took the shell outside to break in the snow on a rock. After 3 good smashes the shell didn't break but it did loosen the lab and there he laid on the edge of the shell. I got him back in the aquarium and after 3 days and a couple loosened scales he is as good as new. I can't believe it. His new name is Lucky.
  19. No small numbers on the bottom of mine.
  20. I do have other tanks but didn't use any water from them which would have been a good idea. All deco came from happy cycled tanks. No live plants though, it will have mbunas in it. Great destroyers. I tested ammonia and nitrite today and both are at 0 after 8 days of running.
  21. They are Aquarium Pharmaceuticals.
  22. Hi, I can't see expiry dates on my test kits and am wondering if anyone knows if they expire?
  23. The old filter will be staying on this tank and will do ammonia testing daily. I did also just change the ammonia pack today. Of course I am just anxious to get fish in the tank, but better safe than sorry. Thanks for the advice.
  24. Hi there, I have set up and am cycling another aquarium this week and would like some input on how long to go with it. It is a 55 gal that I have put an Aquaclear 70/300 filter on with a good bacteria build-up from one of my other aquariums along with several plants and decorations as well. It currently has 5 barbs and a dozen zebra danios (1 in) in it for the cycling. The danios are only in there for a couple days and then will go to another cycling 55. I will be putting mbuna's into the tank but don't want to do so until it is safe for them. Some advise would be nice. Thanks.
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