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MicroAlgae Bloom


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Hey guys....

I bought some Flourish on thursday to enhance my plants and now have a major microalgae bloom in my 65gal. I have changed the water twice since friday, both 50% changes, without adding any more flourish, but don't see an improvement in the tank. The water is very green and cloudy. Not sure what the levels of the tank ar at. I am going to the LFS to pick up a test kit this afternoon. Should I keep up with the daily water changes? Is there another path I should follow to clear it up?

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You can also put some daphnia in your tank they will eat the algae and the fish will eat them. It's a win win situation.

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You can ask Henry and Gillian if they still have some - they usually have a few daphnia on hand. But, it'll be hard to keep them around long enough to do anything with the GW if you have any fish in there - the fish will go crazy for them!

Kevin gave one of the easiest remedies for getting rid of an algae problem. Cover the tank for 3-4 days - don't let any light in. Up the airation, and you'll uncover your tank to be nice and clear.

If you're adding fertilizer, you probably should have some kind of carbon source - either CO2 or Excel. Excel is awesome for tanks under 25 gal, but can get a bit costly on larger tanks. Stability is the key with CO2/Excel - if you don't supply a constant source of carbon, then you will see some algae.


Have plants, have fun!! :thumbs:

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Ok. If I were to cover the tank for 3 or 4 days, what are the effects going to be on my plants that are in the tank too? Are they going to die with the algae, or will they come out ok?

And I have put carbon in the filter now. Will the carbon absorb the good trace elements from the fertilizer in the water? Do I have to take the carbon out when I want to fertilize with my next water change? Can I leave it in?

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