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Stocking ideas for a 5 gallon


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I've been trying to come up with ideas for how to stock a 5 gallon tank for a classroom. I've tried bettas (went through a couple fast, bad luck, I think, with LFS stock, but it's just too much pressure on one fish in a grade K/1 classroom... when it dies, it's a tragedy), and then I tried white clouds. One was getting bullied, so I pulled them out and put a few Cardinals in it for the last month of school. I don't like the cardinals in there because a. it seems small for them and b. they spend 99% of their time hiding (it's well planted and with wood etc).

This is a hexagon filtered tank, and I've ran it without heat since it's been betta free, because the classroom is very warm, and the little submersible heaters made it to warm for the later stock, but I do have a 7.5W if needed.

I wondered if anyone has ideas about stock for it? I KNOW I read, and might have even participated in, a forum about this before, but I couldn't find it to save my life. LOL I'd be tempted by a betta if someone has young ones they've raised themselves, or can recommend a good breeder. Otherwise I wondered if guppies are calm enough for this type of tank... any other ideas welcome. I thought I'd throw a couple of Cherry shrimp in there for good measure and interest, if compatibility isn't an issue.

On another note, it's been awhile since I've been active here. Was great looking through all the messages and catching up. :) I've missed you all!

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I'd suggest multis but they may hide in their shells too much. What about dwarf rainbows? They would likely always be in the middle of the water colum. Small tetras like lemons or head and tail lights would be interesting to see some variety and compare that to human families who adopt or foster.

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I second the zebra or pearl danio idea.

They are super hardy, and very active. They won't hide when the kids come up to the tank. They will also do well in a non-heated tank.

I also dont' think they would eat the cherry shrimps if you decide to add them.

Another idea might be some Platies. Great color, activityand hardy . Plus if you get all females you won't have to worry about the males harrassing the girls.

Multies would work in a 5g but I dont' think its a good idea for a class tank. My multies would always hide when someone approached the tank and spent most of their time sitting in their shells. Not the most kid friendly classroom tank. They kids might think its boring.

I setup a 5g betta/shrimp tank in my mom's grade 2 class. The kids loved it. They named the betta Nemo :rolleyes: and loved trying to find all the shrimp in the tank.

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Sparkling Gouramis need heat. I think a 5G is too small for platies etc... If you are interested in doing Guppies, I can give you some for free. They don't need heat, are not shy and will reproduce and are very hearty. A trio or so would be fine in a 5G tank.


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A 5 gallon hex tank will not support platties, I suggest a half dozen male endlers.

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Wow! Great ideas everyone, and a lovely offer, Tammy! I'll ponder this a bit and get back to you ASAP. I'd like to get everyone settled in the tank before school starts so I can be sure everything is ok before they go to the school. The other thing I wanted to be sure of is that the fish would do fine in our community tanks if there's a problem with the 5g, but I think most of those would work fine with what I have.

MUCH appreciated.

Ponder ponder ponder...

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