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3rd Time's the Charm

Wingin' It

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I put my trusty pair together again after about 4 weeks of waiting. This is the 3rd time for the female, and 2nd for the male. As before, the eggs hatched on day 2 and the fry are swimming around. This time, I put in a small, submersable filter, so hopefully the fry will last past 2 weeks and live long and happy lives (?). I'm going to cross my fingers they do! I'd love to be able to say I did it right at least once! Hahahaha

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one thing i would be sure to do is put a pantyhose or fine netting over the intake of your filter, so the babies don't get sucked up in it. sponge filters run by an air pump are actually the best choice for a betta fry tank.

good luck!

haha...ooops...I should have put that...it's one of those air pump intake filters, not a sponge filter, but very similar...it has a sponge at the bottom and charcoal at the top...but runs on the power of the air pump...right now it's not on, I thought i'd give 'em a couple days before i put it on.

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You don't need a filter for the first couple of weeks. Try an airstone after a couple of weeks and keep the top covered so they can develop their labyrinths. Good luck and congrats!!

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i would run the filter right from day one. ammonia builds fast in an unfiltered tank, especially when you have fry that you are feeding multiple times daily.

yes, cover the top. saran wrap works well to keep the humidity in, or use a glass sliding or hinged top that seals fairly well around the top of the tank. keep the fry tank in a room that is draft free (its summer now, thats easy, lol).

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  • 1 month later...

I was just curious how your fry are doing as I was looking to see how mine are doing in comparison since they are pretty close in age. I have a bunch conceived on my first attempt by a male veil and a female crown tail on June 6 and hatched June 8 so they are about 6 weeks in age now. I would estimate at least 200-300 eggs were laid and hatched with steady decrease in numbers as time has passed. I estimate I am now down to about 30 fry and seem to be getting at least one fry (of whatever size) showing up dead on a daily basis. They all seem to be doing well when I check up on them through out the day so not sure what is causing the individual deaths but at least its working in my favor in reducing the population. Right now they are quite varied in size and the tank water chemistry is fine and I am just hoping I have a bunch of them survive to adulthood.

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All of my fry died by week 2 AGAIN! I can't keep 'em alive...I feel bad, so I don't know if i'm going to try again...the male is definately rearin' to go again though...hahahaha. I think with all this heat that the females are ready to go again too...though i've only tried the one of the 4. *Sigh*

Congrats Cgy Betta Guy on your fry! That's great that they've made it this far! I don't know what to do now except start all over again. Are you feeding MW or something else? I'm at the end of my...fins...lol

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I hear you!!! I had a spawn all die in one day and then lost dad a week later. I think I'll try some of my wild bettas until I get some new breeding stock.

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All of my fry died by week 2 AGAIN! I can't keep 'em alive...I feel bad, so I don't know if i'm going to try again...the male is definately rearin' to go again though...hahahaha. I think with all this heat that the females are ready to go again too...though i've only tried the one of the 4. *Sigh*

Congrats Cgy Betta Guy on your fry! That's great that they've made it this far! I don't know what to do now except start all over again. Are you feeding MW or something else? I'm at the end of my...fins...lol

I think my pair are good to go again... the female is plump and the male chases her around my main tank. They do eat quite well in that tank so maybe that helps them get frisky.

I am feeding a tiny pinch of Hikari first bites which is that powdery stuff that floats on the surface as well as Ocean Nutrition Instant Baby Brine Shrimp in a bottle to feed them. I bought the bbs in a bottle cuz I wasnt expecting the breeding to happen as quick as it did and I was in a bit of a panic about what I could get to feed them. I am currently putting in 3 drops of this into the tank and it eventually settles onto the bottom. At the beginning I used a bit less since it seemed to accumulate at the bottom and start rotting and would have to use my mag float to kind of push as much of the accumulation together and use the turkey baster to suck it out. Some of the fry are a bit bigger now and they seem to be able to pick at it through out the day and not so much is left over by the time I get home from work. Its a bit expensive but seems to be decent. I do want to grow some micro worms but I think I need to get a culture of it first?

I have noticed that as they get bigger there are a lot of defective fry... bent spines, missing tails, pointed tails etc. I have had issues keeping the bottom as clean as I can cuz I dont like to stick my hand into the tank constantly hence the mag float and turkey baster so I am wondering if the defectives are genetic or caused by bacteria from rotting food. I think I would need to refer to one of the more experienced breeders about that.

My setup is currently a 15 gallon tank filled to about 3 inches to the top with a canister filter and heater attached. I am using a portion of netting/paint strainer from hardware store that costs a couple bucks wrapped around the inflow. Also have an air stone suctioned to the front bottom corner opposite my filter outflow but didnt really start using it until about 2 weeks ago when they fry are supposed to start developing the labrynthe lung. I have 3 cuttings from stem plants (1 water wisteria and 2 hygrophilia polysperma) stuck into a small cup of fluorite in the middle of my tank and also have lots of watermoss (salvinia natans I think it is) floating around the surface. The fry seem to either stick around the bottom or hang out at the top amongst the plants so I figured the water moss was a good addition to make them a bit more secure. I dropped 3 large malaysian trumpet snails into the tank in week 2 to help clean up some of the junk on the bottom and now have about 20 in there so now I know I can breed them quite easily... hehe

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Cgy Betta Guy...

Wow...quite the set up...mine is so much smaller/less...maybe I should try more??!! LOL

For MW's you will need to get a starter culture...If you like I can start you one and you can use that? Someone in town helped me out at one time...the least I can do is pass it fwd! ;)

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My setup is actually a tank my brother used long ago that I brought it out of retirement to be used for my water changes. I fill the tank up with fresh water from the tap and preheat it for my 30 gallon tank and add any additives to it such as liquid fertilizers and dechlorinator the day before I do a water change and use a powerhead to transfer it into the main tank. The canister filter was a backup filter I decided to buy since it was on sale but it stays on the 15. I figured the tank could be used as a hospital/quarantine/breeder tank whenever I need it and ts been put to great use so far.

Thanks, I might take you up on your offer for the MW... it might save me some time and help me feed the kids as they get bigger.

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