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do cichlids like current


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i got a 265 gallon tank and just put a pretty big power head in to get the water circing more.

is this also good for them or should i only have it one for a few hours a day?

i have it on the side on my tank pushing the water to the other were my filter is sucking it in the blows and comes out the other side again and so forth

i looks like the fish enjoy it but will they get tired or worn out and die?

if you can get back to me that would be awsome

cheers shaune

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From my experience, cichlids do like moderate current. My africans just love playing in the filter output streams in my tank. Especially with a tank that large, I would recommend a power head for sure to create enough water movement for proper circulation. A good way to judge it is check to see if they seem like they are struggling to stay in one spot, all over the tank. If you feel they are getting blown around, try different angles until you see that they are more comfotable. If it is still too much, downgrade the size of the power head. If you can see that the fish can find spots where they can stay in one spot with minimal fin movement, they can relax out of the big current.

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