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Morinville Water


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OK thanks. I thought they might also be on Edmonton water but I wasn't sure.

Does Nutrifin Aqua Plus neutralize the ammonia like Prime does? He went fish tank supply shopping without me and the petstore people sold him Aquaplus. But i've never used it so I don't know if it also neutralizes the ammonia when dealing with chloramines and it didn't say it did on the bottle.

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No it does not. Just converts it at double strength to ammonia and chlorine than neutralizes remaining chlorine. That's why prime is the obv choice IMO for chloramine treated cities.

He could buy cycle and add that after the aquaplus has been added for a few mins and that will remove ammonia.

Good luck

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If he hasn't used it yet or bought it at petsmart then i'd return it and exchange it for prime. Stability is a Bacteria supplement and as such doesn't directly affect ammonia at all BUT the bacteria within the product do so I have to say YES it DOES remove ammonia BUT most likely not in a timely manner and i doubt the bacteria added would be as prolific as nessasary to remove most of the ammonia in the new water so the fish would still be affected by the free ammonia.

Good luck on the new tank. Sounds like fun and yes i can understand the whole New fish hobby excitement shopping spree that resulted in this purchace. Hey maybe you could give it to Harold when he comes up from Calgary as he doesn't have ammoina added to his water.

Have Fun


Does Nutrifin Aqua Plus neutralize the ammonia like Prime does?


Cycle won't remove or neutralize free ammonia either.

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He went to the petstore as he knew he needed some supplies. I told him which to buy but when he was at the store he just got the lady to help him and thats what he came home with. Even though the store also sold prime! Oh well.

I"ll give him some of my prime for the time being.

Its a 30g and I went yesterday with him to buy some fish. We got a couple zebra danios to start with and a gold mystery snail(he really wanted a snail). I also gave him some used sponges from my tanks to get the cycle started.

Hopefully things work out. He's not too keen on doing any of the work and is one of those people that think "i'll just buy new ones when they die" :boxed: but he seems to be coming around and slowly learning. The only reason he has this tank is there was already an aquarium in his class when he got it so he finally gave in and set it up for the kids. The kids are super excited and had been pestering him for months. Since he teaches grades 6-8 he's going to teach the kids how to do the water changes and care for it properly. I might also go and talk to them about it if they have lots of questions. He said there is one girl that is really into it and I guess has tank of her own, so I think she will be the one mainly in charge of it.

I helped setup an aquarium in a grade 5 class(part of the ACE school aquarium project) and I get to see how excited their class is about their fish and learning to take care of it. Hopefully his class loves it as much as the other class does.

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Wow sounds like fun and excitement. One thing that might really catch the attention of the class is some fish that breed and show breeding behaviours. I know i picked up shellies because i heard about their antics they can get up to in a tank. My wild caught just did some suprise renovations overnight.

Have fun


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