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clown loach and african cichlids


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Just wondering if anyone has clown loaches and african cichlids (an electric blue hab and possible another hab) together in one tank? It's a 55gal tank, the loaches are about 2" or so and hiding most of the time....want to add a bit of color and have was thinking of putting those two in there as they get picked on in my other tank. Otherwise, what's a good combination with clown loaches for that size tank? Thanks

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Just wondering if anyone has clown loaches and african cichlids (an electric blue hab and possible another hab) together in one tank? It's a 55gal tank, the loaches are about 2" or so and hiding most of the time....want to add a bit of color and have was thinking of putting those two in there as they get picked on in my other tank. Otherwise, what's a good combination with clown loaches for that size tank? Thanks

I've had them before with no issues.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wouldn't recommend any africans like haplochromines or mbuna with 2" clowns. After they get to 3 or 3 1/2" they can pretty much fend off the more aggressive fish but for right now they will get picked on very likely. Try small peacocks or maybe Tangs with them and all should be good.

I have 20 clowns from 3-6" in with my adult Mpimbwe fronts, venustus, sand divers and other assorted big fish and they are doing just fine. When it comes to feeding time they have learned he who hesitates is lost so at dinner time they get right up there at the surface with everybody else and do their fair share of pushing and shoving to grab the food before it's all gone. LOL. Quite a sight to see. LOL.

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