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Foam to place aquarium on


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Wondering what types of foam people are using to put their aquariums on. I'm getting a 180 gallon soon and need the proper foam to put it on. All I know is that "rigid" foam is what I should be looking for, but is 1/2 inch ok? Where can I buy it in larger widths? (tank is > 24" wide)

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Went to home depot and saw that pink insulation foam. Good stuff but not wide enough :(. I need a 72"x26" piece and all I can find is this white "rigid foam" from Totem. (As far as I can tell it is not styrofoam and doesn't compress easily). Do you think this stuff will do? I've only had tanks with floating bottoms before so I'm not sure...

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Not meaning to hijack or anything but I've had a question for a while and this seems like the perfect place to ask (that and I had a few minutes to burn here at work on the old Microsoft Paint!!)

Now lets see if this works...

I was wondering if it is more beneficial for the foam you place under an aquarium to be positioned under the black "rim" that holds it together OR should the foam be placed in the void under the lip so the aquarium is resting on the foam and not the rim? Make any sense??

Hopefully my works of art will help!!!!

Pink is foam - Black is the rim - blue is the tank

Edited by thefishdude
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If it was mine, I would definately put under the perimiter trim around, not the glass. According to some, the "floating" bottom doesn't need styrofoam, but most use it as a precaution. I don't think it would benefit the tank to have all the weight resting on the glass, and not on the frame.

My opinion, and I may be wrong. But I wouldn't do it.

(nice pic too, BTW! :guns: :P )

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The original intent of the foam was to help level out the tank (due to uneven surfaces) and also in the days of yore when there was no gap between the side and bottom and the tank sat on the bottom glass to eliminate the possiblity of pressure points (ie bits of gravel) that would cause the glass bottom to crack.

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