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Issues With Koi! Need Diagnosis...


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these koi are swimming funny in that their fins are ususally held in to their bodies. They swim then stop.. and float around awkwardly like they are dead.. turn sideways.. tip up. lay on the bottom.. they are all over the place. When you think they are dead you touch them and they come back to life like nothing was wrong.. They are about a foot long (ish). It has been about a week now.. and the fish are still like this. I took a picture of one of the Koi that died yesturday to post it and see if anyone can identify a reason why these Koi are doing this. I noticed them doing this swooping movement to scrape their sides on the gravel.. but they dont do it alot.. not enough for it to cause the fish to look like they do in the album that i posted. I think they have a bacterial infection. Let me know what you think.


p.s. Not all the Koi look like this. The other Koi in the bag looked normal.. with the exception that where the fins connected to its body were a little red..

Edited by mharding4
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First off you should get him to expound on what he means by "sterile" environment.. The last thing a koi or goldfish tank can be is "sterile" with the amount of waste that they produce. I can't speak for what the ailment could be but I definitely agree with you that doing a reset on the tank was the wrong thing to do, I'd have gone with a 50% water change and a pinch of salt. Have you tried any medications?

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No.. added aquarium salt... we have paragaurd? One of my supervisors said we should have tried that first. I dont know much about paraguard. I think it might only deal with parasites? I told my manager that we probably just put one of our big touch tanks out of commission for the next couple weeks because we reset it and it will be doing funky things... bah. Im frustrated. i definately told her that I would do what she wanted me to but I said that I think they will all die. Now that we reset the tank the ammonia is high even though we put a lot of prime in it.. and she decided not to add the fish... soo...we did a 5 hour siphon to dilute it.. and added a bunch more prime...just makes me roll my eyes.. poor fishies. looks painful. :(

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Clamped fins is a sign of infection, whether it's bacterial or parasitic, I have no clue. But, stress would be the leading contributor. I would start by adding lots of salt - koi are quite tolerant and will help reduce ammonia toxicity.


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I have seen this in a couple of stores over the years. I am not sure what it is, or if the stores managed to clear it up.

About 4 years, one manager gave me the 3 last koi to see if I could save them - I placed them in a cycled quarantine tank and slowly added 1 teaspoon of salt per 5G, 1/2 recommended dose of Coppersafe (it is my favorite medication for parasites), and some melafix (about 1/4 to 1/6 recommended dose). I threw 2 airpumps on high and ensured that there was a quiet corner in the tank where they could rest without being buffeted by the currents (I also threw in a bunch of plants). I did 30-40% water changes every day, always ensuring salt and medication levels were as close as possible to what I was removing from the tank, the water came from a heavily planted tank with a ph of 7.4 and no ammonia, nitrites, or nitrates.

It took a couple of weeks, but they pulled through.

Keep in mind that koi are pretty sensitive to ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates and do not tolerate a cycling tank/pond well. Which is why it is often recommended to have 1000G per adult koi. Many medications can and will mess with the bacteria responsible for keeping the tank cycled.

It seems to me that they do not like "tank water", they prefer, and thrived in, "pond water". Once I started using water from my heavily planted tank instead of tap water, they did much better.

Edited by Crystal
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I know some people who got in trouble at work for posting work related issues on the internet. This is a new reality and I would advice you to be as discrete as possible regarding where you work and the issues there. I understand you are only trying to help, but corporations don't think the same way.

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The brown smudges on the bad in the pictures. Is that blood from the fish? because if it is, they're most definitely suffering from nitirite toxicity (likely amoung other things). Nitrite will oxidzie the iron in the fish's blood rendering it unable to hold oxygen (also turning it brown).

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