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Cichlid advice


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Alrighty... after giving up cichlids for the last 9 mths, I've decided to setup a 29 gallon, and put a small pair/trio/group in there...

Albert showed me their Green terrors, and they looked great!

Pretty much I want a type of cichlid that can breed easily (but not african... I've had toooo many)

I want to buy them small, (2" range) and grow them to breeding size and then have them breed. Tank size is not a problem, as I can move them to a bigger tank eventually... I also want them to be nice looking...

Im thinking green terrors, convicts, oscar (Not for breeding purpose)... but i can't decide... any suggestions?

Also, if you have any for sale, lemme know...

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Rams or Apistos would be great in that tank... and you'll never need to move them. Most of the common species are being bred in local tap water, so there aren't any real special considerations. Some of the rarer Apisto spp will need at least some RO water in there to get them in the spawning mood.

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How are convicts and Rams for personality? I want a fish thats a bit different than most. My cons that I had never had much personality, but yeah, they were in the bottom of my shelves and I didn't watch them much.

Where should I go to get some nice rams? I've seen some here and there, but none lately.

Plus, how much do they go for these days? $10??

And what size groups?

I know cons pretty much go for 50cents each:P, and can go as many as you can ram into a tank, ehehe

Thanks guys


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ive got a pair of cons in a 75 comm. They seem much "smarter" than most of the other standard cichlids i have/had. not shy, and seemed very comfortable in a 20g together when first bought. watching them and the fry develop was very interesting and they have bred many times from a small size. often i will handfeed mine. i def wont regret having owned cons.

but i use my fry as feeders. if you want fry to sell or trade, i would suggest a variant of firemouth or similar sized fish. i would gamble throwing just about any pair of CA/SA cichlids into a 29 as long as the fish will max out around 6-7" tops. also, be sure to research the breeding behaviour. convict adults will raise the fry together, which isnt the case with all cichlid pair. having to relocate a fish every spawning period can be a hassle, or a divider purchase is required.

i know nothing about rams. pretty colorful tho and you could probably keep more than 2. might be better than fitting a couple of med sized cichlids into minimum gallonage.

look forward to seeing what you throw in there.

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keyhole cichlids would be an interesting choice, fairly easy to breed and not near as common as convicts, you might even be able to sell some of the the fry to some shops.


Edited by cichlidkid
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Rams, and the other apistos aren't the same fish as the non-dwarfs. They're cool, and look great, but they're tougher to keep, and breed especially. Breeding requires r/o water etc. For simplicty in a tank of that size I think the firemouths are a good call. They breed just like the cons but they're a little less common. (A little less). Dempseys would work, too. Salvini is a spectacular little cichlid that would work well too. I've had them breed in a community grow-out 90. They can be nasty too. 29 is just a little tight for most, the best way way to go is start with 6 or 8 juvies lt them pair off and then trade the rest. But with that tank they have to pair off pretty quick!

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There are a lot of rams and apistos that are used to local water - they don't need RO. Both German (blue & gold) and Bolivian Rams have been bread in local water. The more common apistos - like Cakatoos - will aslo breed in local water.

These fish don't get bigger than 4" and get along well with many other fish (that don't take up much space at the bottom of the tank).

If you decide to go with a larger fish, they'll be cramped in no time in a 29 gal.

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Let me know where I can get some rams that will breed in tap water! Will the eggs still hatch? Every time I've bred them I've had to use R/O and it's a pain. But if they work in tap water I want some. They're great fish, I just gave up because of the water requirements.

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