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I have had a lot of my Malawis's holding but they always seem to eat their eggs before term. Mostly the Peacocks that are quite young.

Well, I just mentioned on another thread that I paid big bucks to have some fish sent to me from the U.S.A awhile ago and they are 2M/2F wild Placidochromis sp "Jalo Reef". I also have 3 F1 juvies I bought at the same time but they are much too young.

I also got some Lethrinops sp "Mbasi Creek" shipped in that same shipment. I got 8 young fish, looks like 4M/4F.

Well, I noticed 2 Lethrinops and 2 Jalo's were holding so I transferred them to nursery tanks. I knew they were very close to spitting because I could see the little fish's eyes through the skin of their throats.

I put the 2 Lethrinops in a 20gal and the 2 Jalo's in a 20 gal. Well, within 30 minutes, one of the Jalos spit. (This all occured on April 10). Lots of fry, maybe 35 or more. Then, I noticed that evening that one of the Lethrinops spit too. About 16-20 fry.

A few days ago, the other Lethrinops spit. Now, for a time, they fry would retreat back into mommy's mouth, so it's hard to determine a "spit" date. The other Jalo finally spit yesterday (April 19). I was getting worried because she was starting to look a little skinny and I thought she was holding too long. She had about the same number of fry as the other Jalo.

I am so excited!

I know this is a bit off topic, but I am also getting quite a few eggs of my new w/c Aldolfi corys. I had trouble with the eggs getting fungus and I don't know if I should remove the eggs because I heard Cory's might eat them. I gave them another water change and added a lot of decor to the tank last night. This morning, I saw 3 eggs on the glass facing me. (I have no idea how many there might be elsewhere)

I guess spring is here!

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Thanks everyone.

I am going to take the best care of them as I can. They are in tanks with fresh water going in 24/7 so I can get away with more feeding and such than tanks that do not have a constant fresh water system.

Before the time that they are ready to go, I will notify their departure date here on the forum before they go to a pet store.

(I don't seem to have enough tanks to keep them all) ^_^

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