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how many cories


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Just looking for some opinions/suggestions.I have a 135 6'x 18" and my only bottom feeders are cories.How many do you think I can keep comfortable?Can and should I keep more than one species and how many of each would you suggest?I currently have 10 corydoras aeneus 6 regular/4 albino.

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In a tank that size you could easily fit a couple of schools of a dozen each. Most Corys get to between 3-5". You could go with a different species for the other school, or go for another color morph of C. aeneus. They probably won't breed in normal conditions, so there isn't much of a worry of crossbreeding.

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  • 2 weeks later...

corys breed like wildfire with the right conditions which are easy to get. i have a bunch, and, really, the only thing they seem need is temperature fluctuation. (as she watches them lay eggs all over the glass as she types) want any bronzes? I'll have a bunch in 5 minutes *LOL* last time i got 60 fry... have a set of peppers that I am waiting to let lay... ack... (watching ~2~ bronzes lay eggs) man... almost tempted to let the rainbow splendidas eat these... i so need a bigger grow out tank.

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