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It's killi hatching day


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Not nearly the hatch rate that I was hoping for but at least I have 'some' fry. I guess some is better than none......

Any hatch-rate above zero is a success - the rest depends on too many variables to even nail with any certainty... several of which have to do with divine entities and who are we to argue with that? :D Ya done did good. Best of luck with them!

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  • 4 weeks later...

My best sucess with mop spawners was to add fungus cure or blue meth to a pill bottle full of water, film capsules work even better. open them daily and once they begin to eye up I'd shake the snot out of the bottle a few times a day before opening it. Carry it in your pocket as it is nice and warm and the water stays slightly aggitated. My hatch outs were always over 90%, with peat around 50%. Don't find it strange though should someone ask you if You are happy to see them, just say nah, I got a killi in My pants.

Also a tip on breeding them, keep them separated while feeding them up but close enough that they can see each other for atleast a week. Put the mop in her tank a day before introducing him. A gallon jar works great as he can pin her in the mop easier than say a 10 gallon tank. Leave them together for the day, fill the film capsule with water from th jar and fugus product and then start picking eggs. The long wait to be together creates more eggs to harvest and a hatching rate within 2 to 3 days of each other. Also a pink mop works really nice or yellow. If your mop is too dark the fish will find the eggs before you.

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I don't know much about hatching killis (although this thread makes me curious to try)...

Why are you keeping them in pill bottles in your pants?

The ones that sometime do not hatch will hatch with the motion / heat from body.

During the last batch of hatches I did an experiment with the one group. I am feeding them exclusively on NLS right from the start. Crushing small community pellets. This group is doing exceptionally well. If I ever do a cory hatch I will def'n'ately try a NLS batch of them.. Pretty cool stuff....


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  • 2 weeks later...
Congrats on the hatch. You might want to try them on the NLS Growth formula next time around, I think you'll find that you'll see better results than with the crushed up community formula.

Thanks for the tip. I will def try that next time. I only used the community formula because I have lots of it here and wanted to use some of it up. That stuff works great on my albino cories. They are a rich vibrant orange instead of pale pink like you see them sometimes.

I also was suprised to see my albino pleco go nuts for it on a barebottom tank... He comes down from his favorite spot on his driftwood and vacums it up quickly.. very fun to watch....

Oh ya i have northos that beg for it also.. haha


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