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Everything posted by kristarockstar

  1. I see, mine don't look like those mostly clear, wild type, ones at all. So I think I will call them something different. I don't want to try and get chocolates, I don't like the solid brown coloring myself. Aww, look at those root beer shrimp! So cute!
  2. I looked for the liquid food at a few places after I got the danios and couldn't find it. But i did get some micro powder food, after i saw the fry i mixed some with tank water and fed them. I also have some frozen baby brine shrimp that I just tried, but I think it might be a bit too big for them. I will also do the egg yolk thing, thanks!
  3. It's a fishy miracle! I moved my danios all together to do some medication as I lost one of my males and the others were not looking so well (they look good now) I left the breeding tank running as is, except I added some green shrimp and some of my extra plants. Got home from my first day of work and saw some movement, I thought one of my berried shrimp had babies...but it turns out the danios spawned after all!
  4. They aren't quite as solid and opaque as the pictures I have seen of chocolate shrimp. I am separating the ones I see into another tank... what should I call them? Cola shrimp? Rootbeer shrimp?
  5. red spots...maybe Septicemia? look at the pictures here: http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=10850841&f=PAD%2FpsNotAvailInCA%2FNo
  6. I noticed Aquarium Central uses different nets for every tank, which would also help prevent spreading issues. But isn't it possible that a store like Aquarium Central that has good systems in place still could have a problem with these worms? For example, lets say they have five suppliers and one of their suppliers has callamanus worms. The fish arrive and are quarantined for a few weeks, then the fish are all sold in the next month (not sure how long fish usually stay in stores before they are all sold) From what I have read, Callamaus worms can take over six weeks to become big enough to be visible or start effecting the fish. So maybe the store never knows that this supplier has callamanus worms because the fish are sold, and either the customer doesn't know how they aquired the worms (bought different fish and plants from several places) or doesn't recognize that these worms killed ther fish, or they realize long after the fish guarantee is up so they don't complain to the store... So in theory the store could have an issue with these worms (and a supplier) and never know? anywho, here is a link i found about treating these worms (like that fact that the shrimp were fine!) http://www.petfish.net/kb/entry/154/ I just had a fish die... not sure what from yet, and some of the group are also showing symptoms of illness, but I am doing some treatments so I hope they are all going to be OK! If the regular treatments don't work, then maybe I will try treating for these worms.
  7. canadian aquarium connection forum has an auction format for their classifieds. You could post it there and then provide the link on this forum (you can specify on the auction whether you ship or local pick up only)
  8. I am looking for a Pleco that stays small, maybe under 4", and doesn't cost too much, maybe under $20. Something other than the bristlenose, those poky bits kinda freak me out. Any suggestions?
  9. How to the tuesday auctions work? we label the bag with our memb number and what is inside it. Do we get the money after the auction is over? or does it gat mailed?
  10. i saw this and it reminded me of this thread http://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/goldfish-wears-a-harness/2jxl27sl?from=en-ca-hpquad
  11. I don't think I've had any luck as the females look pretty full. I have set up a bare bottom tank and will try the mesh this time instead of the rocks (last time a female swiggled in between the mesh and the glass and got stuck but I found her in time) Here are some changes that I will try this time: Mesh on bottom instead of gravel so I can see eggs. Condition the females in the breeding tank to help prevent stress from the move. 50% Water change the night I introduce the males (will distilled water work? i didn't see anything that said RO water, was it the culligan drinking water?) Add driftwood to soften the water a bit Turn up the heat a bit the night before Moved the tank to right in front of a south facing window So maybe a couple of weeks and try again.
  12. I think it would be great to see the updates done sooner too. But I don't know anything about web stuff. The issue I am having is I sent an email a week or two ago to get a tank for the jar show and to find out what the jar show is going to be, and still haven't heard back. I also sent an email a week or two ago to find out what my user name and password is so I can access the rest of the site. But haven't heard back. I joined the club for the first time at the January meeting and still can't access the site. That being said having the discounts is nice and I did get some cool free fish at the meeting
  13. I got them from aquarium central (see above) and all the other females and males seem fine. I did try the mesh before but one of the females squiggled in between the mesh and the glass and got stuck, luckily I found her in time and I think she was fine. If they dont spawn in the next two mornings. I might split them up again and try setting up the mesh again... The females are still huge so I am pretty sure they didn't spawn.
  14. I was going to try a water change with that RO water, and maybe increase the temp a bit. When should I do the water change...now? tonight before bed? In the morning?
  15. These two females were huge when I bought them on Jan 21st. So thought after a week or two they would need to spawn. I have done a lots of searching the web. I was worried danios could become egg bound, but couldn't find a definitive answer. There was a couple of threads about stripping a stuck female to get some eggs moving, but that makes me nervous. Maybe I will get some of that water and try to be more patient and leave them in the spawning tank a couple more days. Everywhere on the interweb says Danios are easy spawners. Frustrated! Boo-URNS
  16. I didn't order them on the website, I went to their 'store' in the NE.They are closed for the winter but the guy met me there so I could pick out some rocks. I got some black lava, moon rocks and charmin slate. They didn't have all the rocks on the website as it is their off season, but he said around april they will start getting new stock in. They were $1-$2 per pound i think rather than the $3-$4 in the aquarium stores.
  17. maybe post the question in the community tank or general forum
  18. The females are still fat so far The only thing I was worried about is can you wait too long? Will the female need to drop eggs at some point whether there is a male or not? or can they comfortably keep them until they are ready?
  19. I got a group of lovely longfin pink danios (aka red or ghost) from Aquarium Central in Edmonton (so jealous they had lots of fish I haven't see in calgary and were reasonably priced, also the tank section in Big Als is twice the size of calgary's!) Can't get a picture but they look like this http://www.tropicalifish.com/fish/danio-minnow/ He picked me out 5 female and 3 males (mostly long fins, but a couple regular) including two very fat ones full of eggs. I have never bred egg layers so I did some googling and my first two attempts were a no go. But am trying again tonight with some changes. I have a 10 gallon with an established filter, heater and half full of clean water. Large gravel/small rocks on the bottom. few chunks of java moss. Also a water pump to create a bit of current. Temperature is about 24 degrees. I have kept the males and females separate and have been feeding them several times a day, mostly a frozen brines shrimp/mix, and a bit of flake food. I put the two super fat females in the 10 gal this afternoon, this evening in the dark I added the three males. I have it in a south facing room with the curtains pulled back and have set the timer to turn the lights on around 6am. I hope it works this time! If not, any specific changes I could make for next time? The only thing I would really not like to do is live food.
  20. http://apps.facebook.com/contestshq/contests/309499
  21. I bought a tank with a bunch of cherry shrimp in it. Now that they have coloured up I noticed a few other shrimp that were definitely not red. This one looks almost black, but some of the other ones are a dark brown. (sorry about the blurr, good camera lens still broken so iphone it is!) Are these a different colour of the same species? Or something else?
  22. For egg layers you'll need a male with the female http://suite101.com/article/how-to-breed-odessa-barbs-a326442
  23. Oh and in my Aerogarden they also need some night time to flower. So lights can't be on 24 hrs a day like some other plants
  24. In my Aerogarden you need to manipulate the plant as there are no bugs to move the pollen around. So if you are getting lots of flowers but not that many tomatoes, that could be the cause. I have my plant a little shake everyday to move the pollen about I haven't read the whole thread so forgive me if I am repeating info or this doesn't make any sense
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