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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by FishBrain

  1. Welcome Ryan, It seems that by your experience that you will be able to help alot with questions as I seem to be full of them... lol You guys should start a Red Deer Society (if there isnt one yet). (there are enough of you) Then this province could end up with 3 Auctions in spring and fall and someone like me wouldn't have to travel so far just to get to them. Glad your here and hope you enjoy the stay!! QUOTE "Welcome to AA :beer: " HAHA sounds like we are all drunks in here
  2. I agree I have two different kinds in 1 tank and they are obout 3 weeks apart and didnt have any problems. I did keep a good eye on them at first but as soon as everyone was free swimming all was good
  3. or you could send some out our way!!
  4. I may be interested. $2 each is good but what is shipping worth??
  5. And just keep doing that until no more snail are collected
  6. Do your self a favor and dont add salt to the Clowns. I think that caused my problem!! after I checked loachesonline i found that Clowns dont have scales and are very suseptable to chemicals. Maybe cut the salt content in half if you want to try.. I used Melafix and turned the temp up to 81 degrees to help and that cured my little guys. good luck :ml:
  7. me......being the curious one I would put up a camera and throw a few more card's in and watch the tape the next morn. -roll- sorry but unless you have a cat :ml:
  8. dont know how but would be interested to know also... how many does it take to breed them?
  9. Well she spit again. Good thing I had her in a different tank! :thumbs: cant tell how many she had yet because they are hiding from the other babies in there. Simple question....Will Apple snails eat the babies that are hiding in the gravel???
  10. Is it normal for one of those fish that you mentioned to turn almost white from the dark blue it normally is???
  11. got them from pisces and I found the bill last night. and now remember that they were blue cobalts on sale. come to think of it all the fish were white but i put that onto stress. everyone knows how they are chased all day. and seldom caught :eh: It sure does look alot like this pic that i found Pseudotropheus_Zebra
  12. He even seems to change almost white at times, while the stripes stay dark it is a very nice looking fish, Just dont want any hybrids
  13. Yes so how come the one i have in the picture looks so much different Mine seem to have bars as you can see I bought the one i showed you in the picture and thought they were cobalts but the OTHER ones that i bought (from lonelycruiser) look like the real thing do you think maybe the one i show you in the three pics are maybe a hybrid??
  14. Do these look like cobalt blues to you??
  15. So does anyone know what this is?? They were sold to me as Cobalt Blues, But since i got some from Lonelycruiser, I noticed that both look very different. Hongs are really cobalt in colour and dont have stripes like this one. These pictures are of one fish but I have two that look alike except one is a little creamier in colour i guess you could say. High zoom on pictures so they are a little grainy. They are pretty fish and a cool sky blue in colour most of the time Any help would be appreciated.... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/Canadbis/PICT0398.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/Canadbis/PICT0399.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/Canadbis/PICT0401.jpg :ml:
  16. FishBrain


    Welcome, the people in here are amazing! :thumbs: the things I have learnt, and the info I was given has been nothing but awesome. Welocome aboard and enjoy the stay :ml:
  17. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: HA HA yeah thats the only way i can get him to stay out long enough to move in close for the picture. So do you think it is a baenschi?? or maleri??
  18. OK one more i figure pictures seem to look a little darker than the real thing but you see him at a different angle and a little more in focus http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/Canadbis/PICT0371.jpg :beer:
  19. cool, cool.....very cool how long does it take to for them to finish the barb?
  20. well since it is my post maybe I will show you a picture of mine and you can all decide for yourselves. these are two that I have so far, if you require more let me know please. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/Canadbis/PICT0364.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/Canadbis/PICT0366.jpg
  21. OK then from what Andrea (chums) said they look like Aulonocara baenschi and from what I have seen online i have to agree thank you :bow: :ml:
  22. what is the difference and how do you tell which is which Aulonocara baenschi Aulonocara maleri Both say they are sunshine Peacocks But pictures look different or same depending on where you look :ml:
  23. Well.... after that Id have to say vantqE has a point.....I think :bang1: if they write like that over a suggestion then they must be serious about the subject. Even if it was some ramblings lol go for it . start a pond forum. Whats the worst that can happen? :ml:
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