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Central Alberta Moderator
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Everything posted by dunl

  1. dunl


    http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=2133005045 Never used Imagestation before, so I hope this worked for you. The pics are all there, should be pretty self-explanatory, even if they aren't in order....
  2. dunl


    I'll try to get an article done to show how I did mine for my fry tanks....the covers tend to stop sagging when the hanger wire is added.
  3. dunl


    Cut some pieces from metal coat hangers and hot glue it on to make it more stable....
  4. dunl


    I meant the translucent covers, not the eggcrate.
  5. Where do you buy this, Val? Thanks, Dunl
  6. dunl


    Quick, fast, but don't need to support lights? Buy some light diffuser from Home Depot. A sheet will cost about $7. It's the stuff that covers fluorescent light fixtures in school ceilings. To make it stronger, cut some strips from a metal coat hanger, and silicone them onto it on one side and let dry. This will make it less flexible, and easier to take on and off. Attach anything you can get a grip on with silicone, and you have a very cheap cover. Unfortunately...this does not hold lights up, and will warp unless you use fluorescent lights, just in case you find a way to put lights above it. Great for fry and juvie tanks that you don't light. Dunl
  7. No need for a clearer shot. Fryeri do not have a yellow line on the tip of their dorsal, but C. azureus do. You definately have a fryeri x azureus cross -sorry.
  8. Definately...check these pics out. http://www.cichlid-forum.com/phpBB/viewtop...hlight=dentures
  9. I've owned a fryeri x aulonacara cross before....it will happen because the fryeri male is more agressive and will mate with the peacock's females, but not allow the male peacock near the fryeri females.
  10. Well that sucks. The message I get is that the administrator has temporarily turned off the search function, or something like that. Is there some way to check to see if there is a button that needs clicked to make it active? Perhaps they have fixed it now, as I don't think that was the previous error message. Thanks.
  11. Aren't we getting to the point where this is necessary to have? Is there some way this can be activated? Thanks, Dunl
  12. Nice job Dean. Can't wait to see it stocked. Dunl
  13. Rebels are supposed to be good....not sure if they are Cannon or not.
  14. Jodaye - the wet/dry sumps go under the tank in the stand. You just have to make the stand into a cabinet. It helps to keep the sound down as well - works great for a show tank set up. www.cichlid-forum.com has some great DIY articles.... search the discussion area as well for help. If you can run a cichlid tank with correct water parameters, you can build a wet/dry.
  15. Yeah...get an egg tumbler and strip her as soon as she is holding. Sometimes you have to do that.
  16. These guidelines would leave most new fish keepers completely out of the contest. Not new members, but new keepers. <_<
  17. Congrats, Val. As for the couple of fry, I know my Labidochromis mbamba have appeared to be suddenly holding off and on, but upon closer inspection, there will be only one or two dark fully formed fry visible in the sac. Not sure how they hide them, but I suspect they spit them somewhere in the tank, only to pick up a couple some time later when larger (and probably only a few left then...)
  18. dunl

    fishless cycle

    Got my NoName ammonia from Superstore....long as it isn't perfumed, it should be fine. You could always try to get some filter squeezings from other people as well....
  19. Not sure on these, as they AREN'T my specialty, but how about apistos?
  20. Was going to suggest Rubescens also....have you tried taking off the cover, and putting some household lamps over the tank to improve the lighting?
  21. Check here...http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/power_filter_tricks_iii.php
  22. If you're still in school, and are taking shop, get some plans off the net and ask your teacher. He/she might just let you do it.
  23. True, so true. And unfortunately, all we can do is educate those people as to what they are actually carrying. To me, the real problem is the people "in the know" who sell hybrids knowingly. Just think...how many people who run a local Wall-World fish department head off to a LFS, to check out how a "real fish department" is run? And then see "line bred all yellow labs"? Kind of hard to learn what is right that way....
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